A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 31

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Blake rolled his eyes, knowing there was nothing else he could do to try and change Arjun's mind.

“Ugh. Let's just get this over with.”


Emma had been lying in her bed holding the paper for over two hours now, and she still hadn't come up with a single convincing way to inform her parents of her decision. She knew she should probably get dressed and go downstairs to greet any callers that might come with her mother, but she couldn't muster the energy or resolve to face anyone just yet. Plus, she figured that her mother would send for her if absolutely necessary. 

Her mother was aware how much she hated engaging in small talk with members of the ton. Since she preferred to discuss more than just the latest fashion in hats or shoes, people always looked at her as if she'd sprouted horns on her head, especially when she made it clear that she was aware of current events in politics or was fairly knowledgeable in history and culture. She just didn't understand why. 

In her opinion, it was just as important for women to be aware of the world around them as it was for men. After all, some day women would be doing more than entertaining or taking care of household duties. At least, she hoped they would.

She heard a knock on her door, bringing her out of her reverie.

“Come in,” she called it. “Oh! Good morning, Alfred,” she said, hurriedly trying to make herself look presentable.

Alfred cleared his throat before saying, “Good morning, Miss Sheridan. Your mother would like you to come down to the sitting room to meet with the callers.”

“Yes, of course. Who is calling this morning?”

“Lady Christie and Lady Weston, Miss.”

“Thank you, Alfred,” she replied, trying very hard not to stamp her foot in frustration. 

It was just her luck that those two women would show up the morning after such a debacle. Though both of them were nice enough on their own, together they were the most gossipy duo in the ton.

Alfred hesitated at the door.

“Is there something else I can do for you, Alfred?”

“Well, no, um, Miss, if I may be as bold as to speak slightly out of turn...” he trailed off.

“Yes?” Emma asked, looking up at him questioningly.

Alfred never spoke out of turn. He was nothing like that horrid Spencer that Blake employed. In fact, Alfred took pride in being one of the most respectable butlers in London.

“They seem to think that you're engaged to Lord Devonshire instead of Captain Sharpe and that there has been talk of you and the duke being first cousins. Your mother seems to want some kind of explanation while they are here. She says that you'll be able to clear up this misunderstanding.”

Emma bit her lip, not quite sure what to say.

“Does she seem...angry?” she asked hesitantly.

Alfred looked uncomfortable, probably because he had already said what he considered to be too much.

“I'm not sure, Miss.”

Emma sighed and then said, “Thank you, Alfred. I appreciate you illuminating me on what to expect downstairs. I assure you that you have not spoken out of turn at all. You're part of the family, after all.”

That cleared his expression a little bit, but then he looked slightly uncomfortable again.

“Of course. Um, one more thing, Miss.”


“You wouldn't happen to know what happened to today's paper would you?” he asked, looking pointedly at her hand.

Emma blushed and handed it over to him.

“Sorry, Alfred. I hope you didn't get into too much trouble for that.”

Alfred hid a small smile, and said, “Not at all, Miss. I will just tell your mother that the paper arrived while the guests were calling.”

Emma shot him a grateful look as he shut the door and hurriedly got up to get dressed. She needed to come up with one hell of an explanation by the time she reached downstairs or she was dead meat.

She delayed going down to the sitting room as long as possible, but after nearly fifteen minutes and Alfred knocking on the door three more times, she could no longer find any reason to stall. She heard the doorbell ring again right as she approached the sitting room and refrained from heaving a huge sigh of despair.

Great, she thought to herself, more people to explain myself to.

“Good morning, Alfred,” she heard an all too familiar voice say from the doorway. “Are Mrs. Sheridan and Miss Sheridan still receiving callers this morning?”

“Yes, of course, Lord Devonshire, Mr. Sen. Please follow me.”

Emma hurried under the alcove underneath the stairs to avoid being seen. She wasn't sure whether to be appalled that Blake and Arjun were here or relieved. Maybe she could use their presence to her advantage.

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