Chapter 1

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A/N: This is a colab me and deliathecow have been working on for a while now ^_^


It was getting late and going dark outside, but Phil was still working. Phil didn’t want to go home though. His mother had died 2 years ago, since then home had never been very joyful. His father got drunk most nights and would abuse Phil, if that wasn’t happening he would most likely be having sex with a random woman he picked up off the street. All while Phil was in the room next door. Eventually Phil had gotten fed up. He couldn’t deal with the constant hitting and moans of random women he’d never met before. So he gathered his things and left.

He’d left during spring and had been living on the streets for 6-7 months. He didn’t mid it though, it hadn’t been that cold yet… Phil knew as it got darker earlier it’d get colder. If he was honest, he had no clue what to do. The only thing he could think of was stay at school for as long as possible. He didn’t have enough money to stay anywhere. He barely had enough money to eat. He lived off Tesco value food, it wasn’t very good, but it was enough. As for washing, he used the showers at school as often as he could, without arousing suspicion.

Phil looked outside of the window that was next to the computer where he was working. It was pitch black. He could only see his reflection and the reflection of the classrooms behind him. Glancing down at the time on the computer, he realised he had 15 minutes until lock up. He’d better get out of there. Performing his usual routine, of going to his locker (which was right opposite where he was sat) and taking out his sleeping things, then replacing them with all his school books that he didn’t want to get lost or damaged, making his bag lighter.  He’d left his work on the screen, saving it, as for it not to get lost.

“Working late again tonight Phil?” he heard the soft, cheery voice of his English teacher, Mr Howell.

Phil had a massive crush on him. His chocolate brown locks of hair and hazel eyes went well against his tanned skin. His top button and tie were slightly looser than they we’re in class, his cheeky grin and the sound of his voice made Phil melt inside.

“Um… yes sir.” He choked out.

This wasn’t the first time Mr Howell had caught him swapping things from his locker into his bag just before the school closed.

“I know I’m not meant to do this, but it’s getting dark out, do you want a lift home, I don’t want you getting hurt” Mr Howell asked in a hush voice.

“No thanks sir, I’m alright” Phil replied in a dull voice.

“I don’t want you getting hurt though.” He said defensively, “You’re not even ment to be here at this time anyway, but you seem to stay here until this time every day. Even if it’s just this time, do you want me to drop you home?”

“I told you already Sir, I’m okay thank you.” Phil sounded stubborn.

It took them at least five minutes of arguing until Phil finally agreed he’d let Mr Howell take him home. Although he didn’t know where home was.

“Okay, Sir, before we go can I use the bathroom then?”  Phil inquired as he shut down the computer he was using and slung his bag over his shoulder.

“Yes, as long as you’re quick, we need to be out here in 5 minutes.” Mr Howell replied, as if Phil was his son.

“Thank you.” Phil rushed into the nearest block of boys toilets and locked himself in a stall. He went to the toilet then quickly changed from his uniform into a think hoodie and a pair of baggy sweats. Hoping Mr Howell wouldn’t ask questions he shoved everything into his bag and left.

“Ready?” Mr Howell asked as he heard Phil come out of the bathroom and turned around to face him.

“Yeah.” Phil said, he had a small smile tugging at his lips as his teacher looked him up and down.

Mr Howell decided not to ask questions. It was hard enough to persuade Phil to let him drop him back.

As they got in his car and started to leave school, Mr Howell asked “Where to?”

“Um… could you drop me in town? Like near Tesco or something.” Phil replied rather nervously.

“Town?” his teacher asked.

“Yeah, um… I live near there.” Phil said, trying to sound convincing.  


The rest of the car journey was awkward, it consisted of Mr Howell trying to get Phil to talk, but of course Phil was clever. He replied with simple answers that would give nothing away about him living on the streets.

“Well here we are” Mr Howell said as they stopped outside Tesco.

“Thanks Sir” Phil smiled as he got out the car.

“Oh call me Dan in situations like this.” He beamed back, as if Phil was his friend.

Phil laughed. “Okay bye Dan.” His said as he bit his lip.

Mr Howell, Dan, was just too perfect. Phil thought as he walked into Tesco.

No Teacher Quite Like You - Phan Teacher/Student (Written with deliathecow)Where stories live. Discover now