Chapter 5: Isabelle's Food

Start from the beginning

We sat down and started putting glitters.

Magnus Bane would love these.

I thought while I spread out glitters.

"Stop humming." Luke says abruptly.

I look at him, "I wasn't humming!"

"You were!" He argues. "You were humming the beach boys," he says and hums Wouldn't It Be Nice.

While he hums I sing along,  "have to wait so long, and wouldn't it be nice to live together," — he stops humming but I still sang the rest, — "in the kind of world where we belong." I finish and give him a mocking smile.

"See?" He huffs loudly. "You even know the song!"

"Okay, I admit I was humming," I say and he pulls out his tongue. "But I wasn't aware. Nice, you know that song."

"Of course I do, if you have a mother who,"

"Always watches Fifty First Dates or anything that had Adam Sandler in it, you'll know." I finish his sentence. I continue, "however dear Luke, my father is the one who is addicted to Adam Sandler, not my mom." He stares at me, impressed.

"You're not that bad, sport." He praises me. "Isn't that a big coincidence that one of our parents is addicted to Adam Sandler and we both got snowed in here?" He asks me.

"Coincidence, it might be. Or maybe it's the universe telling us something."

"And what might that be?" He questions.

"That you're not the only one who's struggling with that kind of parents." I smile widely, showing off my teeth.

We get back to work and I notice that he starts humming the song I was humming so I smile at myself genuinely.

Minutes after, we were almost done, we just needed to make it more look like a bookmark.

While he was thinking, I thought of my precious books. I thought of what's Duncan and Kenna doing right now. I thought of that I could finish a book right now. I thought of that I'm wasting my time, so I suddenly said out loud, "why do we need to this again?"

Luke looks at me and frowns. "Because I was bored. No signal, so my phone is useless." I sigh, defeated.

I start to think about what could make the bookmarks look better but the awkward silence is getting on my nerves. "I'm not good at this!"

"Good at what?" He says, still continuing what he's doing.

"Once upon a time, my parents, they're both super friendly. When my mom was pregnant with Charlotte — my sister — she drunk up all the 'friendly' gene. So, when my mom was now carrying me, I didn't have any 'friendly' gene. Long story short, and to answer your question, I'm not good at socializing!" I spurt out.

"Yet we're doing it right now." He said, calmly.

"Look kid," he calls me and I grimace. "You're doing fine."

I roll my eyes as a reaction. "Okay, if you don't believe me I'll tell you something out of the blue."

"Pancakes." He says out loud, randomly.

I stare him like his a crazy person. "What about them?"

"Did you know that," He states and I murmur no. He glares at me and continues, "every Saturday morning, I eat at Omni's Bed & Breakfast."

"Wanna know why I eat there?" He asks me.

"Not really." I blunt out.

He glares at me again. "You know, I'm starting a conversation here." He claims, annoyed with my attitude.

"I wasn't aware that you were." I said being crusty that made him back off.

He inhales deeply and continues to think in silence again.

Once that I realized that he was giving me the silent treatment, I regretted immediately my rude actions towards him.

"Alright, I'm sorry, Luke. I was just a little snappy because I've thought that I could use this time to finish reading." I tell him, being honest.

"Then go finish reading your book." He blunts out at me.

Here's my chance. I could finish reading, hide in Doon or I could make a new friend, here in real life. Which should I pick?

In matters like this, I think of characters in books I've read. I'll think of what they'll do in this situation. I play a character from a book to be brave.

So I asked myself, what would any heroine, will do in this kind of scenario?

He or she will do the honorable thing.

And what is the honorable thing to do?

"I'm sorry. I'd rather talk to you than read some silly book." I apologize, sincerely.

I grimace ,"woah. Never in my lifetime could have thought that I would have said that out loud." I say in my realization.

"You really mean that?" He inquires.

"My old self would reply 'in your dreams', but I enjoy your company Luke. So tell me, why do you eat at Omni's?" I ask him and I could see that his old playful self is back.

"One time, I didn't want to go home so I went there. The owner's daughter makes the breakfast. When I tasted their food, ever since, I eat my breakfast there every Saturday morning. The owner's daughter's name is Isabelle. She always made my breakfast, oh the eggs! God I loved her eggs. So soft. So warm. So perfectly shaped..." he tells me, daydreaming.

I hit his arm playfully. "Are we still talking about her food, the eggs?" 

He chuckles as a reply.

"So am I forgiven?" I ask him, pouting.


"Thank you."

"Than you?" He asks me.

I shrug, "I don't know. I never apologized to someone before."

A/N: Gwen and Luke are interacting, isn't that nice? Have you guys noticed that Luke never called Gwen in her first name? He may or may not still know the name of the girl he's with. 😬

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next update!

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