My best friend is useless

Start from the beginning

I bet you guys are as confused as I was, I mean come on Matt just left at my door with no explanation. I mean he's apologised for it, which is great, but doesn't help in that fact that we had been attacked and HE LEFT ME! Sorry, I'm still kind of hung up about that. I mean you must know the feeling of everyone knowing something except you, except yours might not be life-threatening, well I hope it's not. All I had was my laptop to try and figure out what was going on. I will tell you now though I was on the right track with hellhounds, has that got your interest? I hope it has. See this isn't some boring old story about a confused young girl who hallucinates, and if all this has been a hallucination then I am screwed. The things I've seen will probably scar me for life and I'm still a teenager. You have all that to look forward to, I hope you have fun reading it, I'll tell you how I didn't have fun experiencing most of it. No, I can't tell you any spoilers that wouldn't be fair, you'll have to read and find out, that is if you haven't gotten bored of my constant rambling. Talking about rambling I should probably stop and let you continue the story. Ok back to reality

I was bored out of my mind lounging on the sofa, I had long given up searching for any more information about my situation. The more I read the crazier I felt, I just wanted mum to come home. Like some Angel, or whatever was up there, had heard me the lock on the front door began to turn and the door opened slowly as my mum made her way into the room.

For those of you who want to know my mum has short mousey brown hair that was pulled back in a short ponytail. Her bangs hang across her face, not long enough to go into the ponytail. She is fairly thin as she works quite hard so that she can provide for us both. She had to work two jobs as my dad wasn't around, and we all know about that so there's no need for me to go into that. She always seemed to wear the same stuffy blue jeans that had so many holes that I'd lost count, along with a baggy grey t-shirt. See my mother is not one of these people who cares about what she looks like, she thinks clothes are clothes and there's nothing else to it. I do admire her for that, I wish I had the courage to not care what other people thought of me and wear whatever the hell I wanted. Don't get me wrong I don't care too much I mean you've heard what I wear to school, but even then I still get slightly self-conscious of what other people think and are saying about me. My mother wasn't like that at all and it's safe to say that I was slightly envious. People often didn't realise that we were related as she had brown hair, I had blonde, she had startling blue eyes, whilst I had my boring grey ones. That doesn't matter to me, I still love her with all my heart and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. Anyway, we'd better get back to the story.

It was like time had frozen at that point, I mean what was I meant to say? Hey, mum, the school was set on fire and a massive monster attacked us, oh if that's not enough I'm hearing voices in my head. Yeah, great plan. It felt like an eternity, me watching my mother walk through that door, as much as I wanted her back, I hadn't planned what I was going to say. I watched as she slowly placed down her shopping bags and placed her keys on the counter. How I wished that Max was with me so I wouldn't have to face the beast alone, I mean you guys should see her when she's angry, trust me it's not pretty.

"Hey m-mum" I stuttered nervously, crap well that wasn't very subtle. I watched as she turned to me an eyebrow raised.
"Anything you want to tell me?" I know it wasn't a question, but I didn't know what to say or how to even begin.
"I-I don't know" wow this isn't going well. I didn't know how to do this, so I did the one thing that can naturally, I raced across the room and threw my arms around her waist. I felt her arms wrap around me as comforting words poured from her mouth trying to soothe me. I felt something wet on my cheek, it took me a moment to realise that I was crying. It was an odd sensation, I hadn't cried since I was seven, over my cat dying. The whole feeling was foreign. After about five minutes I slowly detached myself from my mother's arms. She looked at me and dad smile playing on her lips.
"Do you think you're ready to tell me?" She asked stroking my cheek in comfort, it's something she would always do when I was upset, a habit of hers that she couldn't shake off. So I began.

I talked about how me and Matt had sneaked out of class, I know she wanted to comment there, something to do with how we needed our education. She didn't though, instead, she smiled and let me continue. Although I could see the laughter in her eyes, I mean I had dragged goody two shoes Matt out of class, that was something to be proud of. I then talked about the beast how it appeared, what it looked like, how it smelt, she crinkled up her nose at that, see even describing the smell makes people feel sick. She did agree with me though, she also thought it was most likely a hell hound, I have no idea how she could even know that but I decided not to question it, yet. Finally, I talked about the voices in my head, I wondered if she thought I was crazy, I mean I sounded it so I wouldn't be surprised, hell I thought I was crazy. If she did I couldn't tell, her face revealed nothing as I talked. I went onto explain what happened when time froze. Her face remained neutral as I described what I did to the monster, I liked down at my hands as I talked, rubbing them together. When I had finished I looked up at my mother's face. Her eyes full of understanding, I wasn't sure how she would even begin to understand what I had gone through, but I know she would try.

So I'm going to leave you there, I know you still have a lot of questions that need to be answered, and believe me, that will happen. I swear though if any of you even thinks of making fun of me for crying I will hunt you down, I promise you that. Nah I just kidding, but I will kick your ass. No, Matt, I don't have anger issues, no matter how many times you tell me I am fine. He seems to think I have anger problems, which I think you'll find is completely ridiculous. I am perfectly calm, most of the time. Ok so maybe I have some slight issues with anger, but who doesn't. Don't lie, I know there's someone you wouldn't mind giving a piece of your mind to, or punching preferably in the face. Yeah maybe I'm a bit violent, but for the life, I live you kind of have to be. Oh I've just made you ask more questions haven't I. Sorry it's not my intention, man I suck at this. Anyway, I should go before I make you ask any more questions, plus its pizza night and I want my pizza. So it's goodbye for now, but trust you'll see me soon, you'll see.

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