Chapter 7- A Sudden Intrest

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Averi's P.O.V

I take off after Red X, refusing to give up this early, and craving for another mind rushing fight. As soon as I leapt out onto the roof, I felt an arm around my waist as he throws my body behind him and slams me to the ground, only inches away from the edge.

"We meet again." He says as he lunges at me, but I swiftly leap upward and almost send him running over the edge. He surprised me by ducking to the side and kicking outward, smashing his foot into my gut. Ignoring the pain, I grab his foot and fly upward, still holding a firm grip, and this sends him falling backwards onto his back.

He shoots 2 X stars up to me, hitting the joint of my wings and making me fall back down to the ground beside him. He kicks out, trying to catch me in my shin, but I reach down and hold his leg back while sending my other hand into a punch that hits his collar bone, making him go in a gagging fit.

I felt fingers wrap around my arm as he jumps to his feet while still holding onto my wrist. He was so tall that I was almost swept off of my feet. He was very strong.

I hated doing this, but I was not about to be beaten. I gather energy in the hand he had a grip on, then heated it to an extreme temperature, making him let go instantly.

He stares at me stunned, trying to shake the pain out of his hand. I fought to burst out laughing. "In case you haven't noticed, I've also go powers."

I seen a smirk slide across his face, even if he was wearing a mask. "Your all tricked out, aren't you wolf?"

I kick out, doing a full flip through the air, but he was quick to dodge before I could even hit him. "What would you expect from the future alpha of a pack?" I brag, even though it wasn't exactly something I was proud of.

I hear him chuckle. "Oh, we have a princess here?" He attempts to leap away, but I wrap my arm around his neck and backflip him onto his side.

"I wouldn't count me out just yet, X-Man." I whisper as I bend his arm behind his head.

He heaves a loud grunt before kicking his foot behind him and making me fall to the ground again. Nonetheless, I still had a firm grip in his arm. "Oh I'm not doubting you one bit." He says as he pushes upward and jumps to his feet, pulling me after him. I flap my wings, pulling myself to a standing position while he quickly turns and swings another punch.

I whirl around, expecting him to throw another hit my way, but I was surprisingly able to gather myself as X just stood at the edge of the roof, not making any move. He just watched as I quickly found my footing, creating a very uncomfortable scene.

"What?" I growl as I slowly lower my fists, which were tensed by my side. "You think you've won this, cause I'm not even close to finished."

He was silent for a second before responding. "I'm just wondering." He says casually, beginning to pace on the ledge. This was quite literally the quickest mood changed I have ever been in, especially when I was fighting. He seemed to notice, and it just entertained him. "You fight like somebody who's had experience with bad people, I can even see a little bit inside of you too. Strange thing is, your with the Titans, who the last time I checked were good guys. What's your story, Princess?"

I blink, not exactly sure weather or not to reply or attack. "Not much to tell." I say after a few seconds of hesitation. "Now can I get back to kicking your ass, that was far less painful."

"Nah. This is much more interesting." He chuckles. "I'm just curious about if you actually know which side your on. You come in, acting like this city is yours to control, completely ignoring people like me who have already taken the spot as number one. You snatched my case from me, and nobody steals from the best."

My anger slowly bubbled as I inch slowly toward him. "A predator like me does not concern herself with the opinion of prey." His eyes narrowed as he watched my every move. "One thing you should know about me, X Man, is that I don't like being told what to do. I don't care if you think your the best, because I'm in this city now, and that makes me top dog here."

He crosses his arms. "It's cute how you think your so special."

"I've had my share of evil in the past." This seemed to catch his attention. "I've stolen most of my life just to survive in a world of murder. You just put on a fancy suit and call yourself a thief, but you don't know the half of real life struggles. I was born into the darkness, you just adopted it."

"What makes you think we're so different?" He asked, extending his arm to shoot another X my way if I came any closer. I could feel rage beginning to pulse through his body, what had I said to get him so worked up?

"Oh, so your saying that you think we're alike?" I leap up onto the same ledge as he was, walking closer as I spoke and ignoring his arm as it readied another X. "Back on my planet, there are no rules, so your constantly having to fight to live another day. Trust me, jockey, you wouldn't survive one night in my shoes."

He fell silent for a good minute before a cheeky smile spread across his face. "Something tells me your more that what you want people to see." His voice was smooth, cool, like he knew exactly what he was talking about. "Your not as dark as you appear."

"What do you know?" I hissed between my teeth. "You seem pretty confident about your words."

"That's just because your easy to read, Princess." I wanted to punch him in the throat for calling me that, but something inside of me stopped the action. "Tough and bitter on the outside, only to hide what's on the inside."

"Kind of like your mask." I pointed out. "Why the secret identity? There's no fun in breaking rules if nobody sees you doing it."

I heard him give another chuckle. "I like the way you think, but we need to take things one step at a time." I flinched when he actually took a large step forward, making me shy backwards while unsheathing my claws again and shooting him a loud warning growl. "When you realize that we have more in common that what is first seen, the maybe we could be friends."

"Like I would ever be friends with a human like you." He didn't even seem hurt by the remark. "Its every wolf for themselves here. I've got enough to deal with without some anti-hero tagging along with his head stuck up my ass."

He cocked an eye brow as he stared dead into my eyes. "You're not so bad, Werewolf. Better than those heroes your hanging around with." I seen the sneer burning through his mask. "I'll be keeping my eye on you."

"Thanks but I don't need a babysitter." I take one last step forward, craning my neck to see into his eyes. "I may be a princess but that doesn't mean I can't handle myself in this big bad world."

He holds up his hands. "You're a tough bitch. I admire that." His eyes narrowed. "Just remember, a mask won't conceal the insides forever, take my word for it. Weaknesses have a way of showing themselves at some point."

Before I could ask what he meant, he swirls around and leaps straight off of the building. I rush to the edge, expecting him to be dead in the ground below, but when I did all I seen was a black ally, no sign of any person dead or alive.

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