Chapter 2- I'm Not Like Her

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Averi's P.O.V

Since we all flew, there was no need to take the car, thankfully, so after practice we head out toward the mall. I was told it was going to be in the center of the city, which meant herds of humans all packed in one area. I was dreading it.

"You will love it, my friend, it is so fun." Starfire explains. "You can buy clothing, and hair accessories, and shoes, and you can meet many friends..."

"Sounds girly." I interrupt her with a sneer. "Not really my thing."

"Then why are you even coming along?" Raven spits my way, not even bothering to meet my gaze.

I just give a small chuckle. "Only for the pure entertainment of your annoyance, Rave."

Her head snaps around to face me. "Only my friends are allowed to call me that." She scowls. "Something you will never be."

"You act as if I'm suppose to be offended." I swirl around on my back and begin kicking through the air, my wings catching a gentle breeze above the others. "Not like I asked to be anything else."

She stops in mid flight as I twirl around on my back to avoid hitting her. "Why are you always trying to get on people's nerves?" She asked. "If my thing, why do you have to be mean to me? We're only trying to help you."

I jokingly begin doing the backstroke in the air. "Because I don't like you, Rave. Your boring, basic, and just plain annoying in my opinion." I pause, snickering. "Besides, pushing your buttons has become a fun game."

She looked as if she wanted to throat punch me, and by the way her fists were clenched, she was very close to doing it. It howling her another sideways smile, I swerve sideways and catch up with Starfire, who was waiting patiently a little ways off.

"Is everything ok?" She whispers so Raven wouldn't here.

I glanced over my shoulder at the purple cloak, who I could tell was purposely lagging behind. "She hates me." I answer cheerfully. "It's gonna take some time before we can be in the same tower together without striking at each other."

"Does it not bother you?" She asked. "Ravens hostile thoughts?"

This question was easy for me to answer. "I'm use to being hated. I once got a whole pack to want me dead, so one hero having an attitude with me is just a grain of sand compared to other situations I've been in."

She seemed shocked, but soon forgot about it a few minutes later when a bird flew past us and she began chasing after with with an excited squeal. It was easy for me to imagine that girl skipping through a field of daisies while catching butterflies, and it surprised me how someone could be that happy.

"You get use to it after a while." I jump as I hear Ravens voice beside me, and I turn to see that she had decided to catch back up with us. "Its just her alien ways."

I decide to just to suck it up and talk to her. "What exactly is she? Did she come from anywhere near my planet?"

"She's Tamaranian." Raven replies. "She came from someplace much closer to earth."

I nod. "Do you meet many aliens, or are we the only 2?"

She seemed to have to think about that. "We know a lot of people who have powers, but we don't really know if they're from another planet or not."

A question came to my mind, one I knew she would be hesitant to answer, and I just blurt it out before I could stop myself. "Who's Terra?"

After I asked, her eyes instantly widened and she reach up to pull her hood further over her head. "She was somebody we tried to help years ago." Her voice was a low rasp, and it was easy to tell that this must have been hard to talk about. Still, she continued with the story. "Terra betrayed us. She tried to kill us. The first time, it was against her will. She was being forced to by a bad man. She ended up saving herself from him, only to sacrifice her life to save the city, and us."

"Then why do you hate her?" I didn't hold back on questions, wanting to understand the big deal about this girl that had so badly scarred Raven.

"Because she came back and betrayed us again." She didn't answer snappish like I expected. "She had lost her memory, but after we did everything to help her get it back, she ran right back to the man who screwed up everything in the first place. Now she's against us yet again."

I was befuddled. "Why the hell would she do that?" A growl surged in my throat that I couldn't contain.

I seen Raven look over at me, and I suddenly realized the anger shown in my voice was not toward her, but toward how much Terra had hurt her. "Slade gave her power." She replied. "She must have fell under the spell of evil and couldn't keep herself from it."

I thought she was done talking, but her head suddenly wires back to me. "How did you even know about Terra?"

This made my muscles tense all over again, thinking back to that conversation the team had all those weeks ago. "My hearing is quite useful when listening in on thing I'm not suppose to hear."

Her eyes widened when she understood. "After the fight with the Hive..." I seen her gaze drift below her, just blankly staring at the streets covered in cars. "Sorry I thought that about you, I just wasn't ready to be backstabbed again."

I snorted so hard it hurt my throat. "You act as if it bothered me." She narrowed her eyes, but I just ignored it. "Like I said, this isn't the first time crossing this bridge, and in all offense, your the one who seems most hurt about this."

"And how is that exactly?" She asked, crossing her arms stubbornly.

I laugh. "You've let this girl contain you from other people. Werewolves would never worry about something like that, because we know that even though one person hates us, we have a whole damn pack that will have your back in any situation."

She thought about that for a second. "The team does have my back, I know that for sure."

"Exactly my point." She seemed confused at first, but this was only one of the few times I've tried to bestow a little bit of wisdom on this team. "Pack members will always be there for you, no matter what. This team is your pack, you just have to learn to trust in them."

"I do trust them." She snapped, but instantly drew back as she tried to contain her temper. "You wouldn't understand. It's just hard to trust people after you've been hurt so many times."

I didn't even have to ask to know she was referring to trusting me. Terra hurt her, and it has created these walls around herself that is almost impossible to break down. Others would be trying to get through to her, but me, I could care less. Her problems were not mine to worry about.

Starfire appears from around a building a few minutes later, no bird in her hand, which lead me to believe that it got away. I could have caught it in seconds, but this is earth, and these people never had to kill for food.

"Shall we continue?" She asked casually.

Me and Raven both share a quick glance before following Star through a gap between the buildings and down into the main part of city.

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