Chapter 1- Regular Training

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Robin's P.O.V

"Remember, don't throw all of your energy into your punch." I instruct as I watch Averi beat the live out of a punching bag.

She looks my way and shoots a dark scowl. "How the hell and I suppose to scare a villain without actually hurting them? It seems pretty pointless if you ask me."

"Just keep trying." I encourage, hoping she would, for once, not argue with my command.

It had been over a week since the fight with the Hive, and the argument we had about how she had hurt Mammoth. We had been working on how she could control her strength and fight like we did, but that was not an easy task. For someone who was always taught to push the limits, holding back her strength wasn't something she was familiar with.

I hear a loud bang only a few second later, and I suddenly see the bag flying across the training room. It smashes against the wall a few years away, sand exploding everywhere on the floor and creating a giant dust cloud. My eyes go to Averi and I see a smirk covering her face as she basks in her accomplishment. "Now that was cool." She mutters as she cracks a few knuckles.

Massaging my head with my fingers, I try to get my thoughts together. "We have been practicing for 6 days and still have a lot of work to do." I don't know why I kept trying to reason with her, it hasn't worked so far. "Can you please just take one thing seriously?"

She gives me a small shrug. "What the fun in that?" She sets her hand on the 4th punching bag beside her. The other 3, she had totaled. "Besides, this whole experience hasn't exactly been easy for me. I was always taught to go for the throat, but with your petty human ways, that's not exactly an option."

"You just have focus on keeping your instincts from kicking in." I pointed out, but instantly regretted it when she swirled around to face me with her blue eyes blazing like fire.

"Instincts?" She echoed, pure bitterness in her tone. "You say that as if I'm some kind of ugly earthling predator. Do you seriously think I have brains of some 4 legged beast you see here, because I can assure you, I am capable of so much more than some tamed circus dog  that humans train to sit and roll over."

She had begun leaning again threateningly, and just to be safe, I position my hand over my birdarangs, a tactic I have had to use often since she came to earth. "Sorry." Was what I replied with as she turns back to the bag. "Can we please get back to practicing?"

She gives a throaty scoff. "You can, I'll just proceed to not listen."

I didn't even acknowledge the comment as I took the time to glance around the room at the rest of my team. They seemed to have no interest in our new Titans, mostly because nobody was really fond of her. The only one who made any effort to actually become close was me and Starfire. We have both been failing so far.

Star was actually over by the weights with Cyborg, competing with him to see who could lift the heaviest. After proving herself by lifting 3 Dumbbells at once, one with just her feet, she flies over to me as I watch Averi perform the moves one last time. "How is our friend doing." She asked, grabbing a towel from the rack and dabbing her forehead dry.

I tried my best not to look at her bright green, beautiful eyes, because I knew I would melt instantly. "She doesn't seem to show any I rest in learning out to fight our way. Come to think of it, she doesn't want anything to do with anything relating to earth."

"She does still refuse to eat the delicious earth meals we have."  She points out, but then seems to instantly perk up as an idea popped into her head. "What if we allowed her to see the city, show her the things she has to enjoy so she doesn't feel so much of the homesickness. Me and Raven we're going to journey to the shopping of malls today, maybe our friend would like to join?"

I shrug. "If you can convince Raven to let her tag along, then feel free to take her anywhere you like."

Star seemed to get the message. "I will talk to her, maybe she will have a change of heart."

That wasn't going to be so easy though. Raven has had strong hatred toward the wolf since we first met her, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I don't even know why they fight so much, it's not like they've done anything to hurt each other, but I guess Averi trying to kill the entire team flipped a switch inside of Rave, and she wasn't about to flip it back.

As Star flies away, I walk back over to Averi, who was now on top of the bag in her wolf form practically ripping it in half with her teeth. "Having fun?" I ask blankly, crossing her arms as he gaze lifts sip to mine.

She didn't even bother responding. All she did was grasp another chunk of the bag between her teeth and rip, making even more sand spill out of it. God, this was going to be a mess to clean up later, and knowing her, she wasn't going to help in any of it. Out of every horrible criminal I've ever met, I don't think I've ever met someone so young who was this selfish.

Shortly after she stands and switches to her human again, Starfire comes back over and gives me a small thumbs up. Raven must have been feeling nice today.

"Dear friend." Star calls as she flies over to Averi. Her eyes sparkled, and I could tell that she's been excited these last few days to have another girl on the team to spend time with. I think she was also fond of her because they were both aliens. "Me and Raven are going to the shopping of mall after training. Would you like to join us?"

Just as I expected, Averi looked at her as if she had 3 heads. "Go out into the world of humans?" The practically spat the words in her face. "What makes you think I would ever do that?"

"Please my friend!" Star begged, tugging on her arm. "It will be so much fun!"

Snobbishly, she yanks her hand out of Stars grip, still refusing to say anything to her. After enough time of being annoyed, Averi finally just seemed to cave in. "If I agree to go, will you leave me the hell alone?" After a frantic nod from Star, the tension was relieved. "Then I guess I'll go. It can't be any worse than being stuck in this musty tower all day."

Star goes in for a hug, but Averi seemed to flinch and back away. Of course she wouldn't like hugs. "Please don't." She warned, holding up her hand. "I refuse to hug a human."

Star didn't even seem offended as she backed away. "My apologies, I am just delighted that you want to spend time with us."

As she flies off to tell Raven the news, Averi just brushes off her shirt and smoothed out her hair. "I am so going to have to be use to that perkiness." She muttered. "Not enough drinks in the world could make me act like that."

Before I could open my mouth to defend my friend, I suddenly hear a loud crack split the air, and we both turn to see a table shattering in the glass walls as Starfire spoke with Raven again. It was clear that she was just letting Averi go along because Starfire wanted her to, and as much as I wanted to ask Raven to stop thinking about how much Terra had hurt us, there was no proof that Averi was any different. I just prayed that I had made the right choice bringing her here.

"Her annoyance entertains me." To my side, Averi had a sly smile on her face as she watched. "This is going to be quite an adventure."

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