Chapter 6- My Talent

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Raven's P.O.V

As much as I hated to admit it, we were losing against this guy. We had never been able to beat him in a fight before, but I was shocked when Averi actually came close to it all by herself.

While Star was fighting, I scanned the room, searching for the black clothed diva that made my blood boil at just the sight of her, but again she had disappeared. Would it kill her to just one listen to orders at least once!

I was suddenly snapped back to reality when Starfire was sent flying to the ground beside me, with an X holding her arms behind her.

"You Titans are making this was to easy." X jokes. "This is very entertaining."

I bare my teeth at him. "We're not gonna give up till you're behind bars!" I shout.

I seen him smirk under his mask, just making me more angier. "Why would you even have to?" He asked. "I've got what I came for."

As he looked behind himself for the case, I hear a voice from above. "Isn't there one thing your missing in that plan?"

I instantly swirl around and see Averi, standing on a stack of crates with something in her hands. Starfire gasp happily behind me when we both make out the case that she was holding above her head, gloating.

"How did you...?" Red X asked before looking back at us and laughing. "Never thought a Titans would adopt a thief into their group."

Averi sneers. "I'm not here voluntarily, trust me." She looks down to meet my gaze. "See Raven? My talent is useful for something."

I scowl. "Your lucky, because this time you can get away with it. It won't be so easy in the future."

A wide grin spread across her face. "'This won't be so easy in the future.'" She moves her hands to the mocking words. "Your attempts to try and control me are, what's the word... cute."

It made me angry when she put her hand on her hips like she was better than all of us, and what made it worse was that she was right. No matter how much I hated it, she was far more advanced than we could ever dream to be.

Starfire throws her fists in the air in triumph. "You did well my friend, please come back down."

Averi gives a childish bow before leaping down with the case in her hand. "Being a thief myself." She says looking to Red X. "I would support you and place this in your possession so you could get away, but I want to be a bitch today, so your out of luck my friend."

I cringed when she called herself a thief, but that was just her, and it made me sick.

"Not bad, alien." X says in a strange tone. "I'll be hoping to fight you again soon."

Averi throws the case over her shoulder to Starfire as she takes off toward Red X. He leaps up into the crates and disappeared through the skylight, following by the narrow minded Werewolf.

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