Don't Make This Easy

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"Tone?" He turned from making pancakes on the stove and faced me. I scratched my arm, a nervous habbit I've gotten into a while back,and took a deep breath. "Is it okay if i hang out with Rian for a while? He's gonna give me a ride back at nine,his bus is picking him up at eleven." Tony smiled and grabbed my hand. "Of course! Just try not to be late,okay?" I nodded excitedly. "Awesome! Thanks,dude!" He chuckled. "No worries,Twix." I rolled my eyes and nudged him a bit. I quickly ran upstairs and started getting ready. When I was lacing up my converse,Tony walked in and sat on my bed. "You okay,big bro?" He nodded and gave me a small forced smile. "You sure? You seem kinda..down." I finished lacing them up and sat next to him. "Y-yeah,it's just that-..does Casey talk about me at all anymore? I just feel like we all drifted apart since high school. It's like we're not even close cousins anymore" I sighed. I knew where this was going. "Sorry,man. No,she doesn't. I think she's trying to make due with the time she has. Ya' know? Live in the moment type thing..." His face contorted into a deep frown and he sighed. "That's what I thought.." I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "But,hey don't worry. There's plenty of time to hang out with her now,right?" He gave a fake smile again and I kissed his cheek. "Don't lose faith,dude. I'm sure she didn't forget about you. I mean how could she? You were her favorite.." He nods. "Yeah,I guess so.." My phone vibrates next to me and I pick It up,seeing it's Rian. "Ri's here. I can just stay here with you if you want.." I offered. It really didn't feel right to go out and have fun with Rian while Tony sat here all alone. He shook his head. "I'll be fine."
"You sure? I mean you could come with us?" He laughed and pushed me up. "Yes, I'm sure, i'll be fine. Stop worrying! Now go!" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "See ya' later,Bubby!" He laughed and waved while i ran down the pavement to Rian's black Kia. "Hey,Pistrami-On-Rye!" He laughed and rolled his eyes as i buckled up. "What's got you in such a good mood,Peppy-Peach?" He mocks back. I chuckled and he pulled off the curb,driving to the nearest coffeehouse. "I dunno! I'm just really happy!" He nodded and his tone went more serious as he questioned,"Did you take your pills?" I sat thoughtful for a second and then I shook my head. He sighed and I laughed. "Relax,dude! I'll take 'em later! No worries." He gave a heavy sigh and turned up the radio.


I sat next to Rian in the back so we wouldn't get mobbed by crazy fangirls. Believe it or not,most of them come to Baltimore just to stalk the guys. They're some committed people. "So,what's been up with you lately? You seem like you got somethin' on your mind." He sighed and took a sip of his coffee. "Yeah,me and Kara have just been having problems lately.." I furrowed my brow and drank some of my hot chocolate. "What do you mean by 'problems'?" He scratches the back of his neck and slides his phone across the table. I'm sure it isn't that bad is it? I set my cup down and rub my hands together for some heat. I reached over and picked it up before scanning my eyes over the various messages between the two.

R- I don't understand why you would do this..

K- It was an accident Rian. Don't act like you've never made one of those!

R- Cheating is not an accident! You don't 'accidentally' fall into another man's lips Kara!

K- Whatever Rian.

R- No. We're gonna talk about this.

Kara is currently unavailable.

Kara is currently unavailable.

R- Damnit Kara! Pick up your goddamn phone!

Kara is currently unavailable.

R- You're acting childish!

R- Fuck it! I'm done! Talk to me when you can grow up and learn some damn responsibility

"Woah.." He gave a wry smile and I passed him back his phone. "Well,she was acting like a bitch about it.." He sighed and stirred the straw around in his cup. "I dunno...maybe i'm overreacting?" I gave a humorless laugh and shook my head. "Like hell you are! She shouldn't have done the shit in the first fucking place! That was a dick move and she knew it! But instead she went ahead and did it anyway! This is all on her and the douche she kissed,not you. Don't beat yourself up over her,Ri. I can promise you she isn't worth it." He did a soft smile and stood up. "You're right,Jess." I smiled wide and stood up with him. "Hell yeah i am!" He laughed and brought me into a warm embrace. "Thanks,Jessie..really." He whispered into my ear. I laughed and squeezed him a bit. "No problem,Ri. Anything for you. You're my best friend and that's what best friends do." (That rhymed lmao)
He smiled and kissed the top of my head and started packing up his stuff. "I can still give you that ride if you want." I shook my head. "Nah,I need the air anyway." He nods and starts to head out the door. "Yo,Dawson!" He stopped and faced me again. "One day you'll meet that special girl who loves you just as much as you love her. And when you do,never let her go.." His bright smile lit up the dim corner of the small coffeshop as he nods. "Same to you,Perry. That and I better be your best man."
I laughed and gave him a thumbs up. "Will do. But only if i'm the man of honor!" He shrugged. "Only time will tell!" I rolled my eyes but smiled and waved as he made his exit. "See you at the venue!" He hopped in his car and honked as it drove down the street. I sighed and threw all my trash away,making sure I grabbed my phone and hot chocolate. I set the tip on the table since he covered for the drinks anyways. I sighed and waved to the cashier. She giggled and winked flirtatiously. I smiled and started walking home. "I don't get what girls see in douche bags.." I thought out loud. "It's not really that appealing to be treated like complete and utter shit if you ask me.." I sighed again,for about the umpteenth time this morning and kept walking home.

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