Chapter 6

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Ricky sat on the foot of the hospital bed eating a bowl of cereal Doctor Matt brought in. Slowly Fiona's eyes fluttered, he smiled as his sister quietly dozed off.

"Ricky?" Doctor Matt knocked at the door.
Ricky shoveled another spoonful into his mouth, "Yeah?"
"Your neighbors Mr. And Mrs. Kumar are here to take you home."
He looked down at his sleeping sister and back at her doctor, "Is she coming?"
"No, Ricky, I'm sorry. She needs to stay here for at least a few more days."

He leaned down and hugged his sister and walked down to the waiting room holding Doctor Matt's hand. He was handed off to his neighbors.

He was fed and tucked into bed.
"Goodnight Ricky."
"Night." He said defensively while his neighbors slowly shut his door.
He layed in bed staring at his ceiling wondering what was going on with Fiona right this very moment.

6:30, his alarm clock buzzed waking him up from a delightful sleep. He slowly sat up in his bed slamming his hand down to stop the annoying beep coming from the clock. He hoped out of bed getting dressed. He went downstairs and put bread in the toaster waiting for the pop.

The bus was outside the door and honked it's horn for Ricky. He grabbed the toast and ran out the door with his bag dangling from one arm. Up the stairs of the bus, walking down the aisle a boy stuck his foot out and tripped the poor kid. He braced himself on the seats of the bus dropping his bag and toast, while the kids laughed. His face turned ruby red as he picked up his bag and sat in the seat where his toast fell. He stared out the window not able to look anyone in the eye.

Ricky was the last one off the bus when they arrived to school. He looked down at his feet as he walked through the doors. Kids pushing and shoving him.
"I heard what happened to your sister." One shouted.
"Fucking pussy, crying over her and nothing happened." Another yelled out.

A tear rolled down Ricky's cheek as the kids kept shouting at him.
"Knock it off," One kid pulled back another making his way towards Ricky "Hasn't he been through enough!?"

Ricky looked up to see a boy with dirty blonde, almost brown hair swooped to the side, sparkling green eyes, and the brightest smile just looking at him. "Come on, let's get away from them," the boy put his arm over Ricky's shoulder "I'm Stephen, you are?"
"Ricky." He smiled as him and the boy walked away from the crowd.

He's going to be my best friend. Ricky thought to himself. I just know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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