Chapter 3

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The birds sang the next morning. Fiona groaned, having fallen asleep on the couch, then jumped up when she saw the time. "Shit!" She swore under her breath. Ricky groaned in her arms, snuggling into her chest. She lay him on the couch, shaking him some.

"Ricky... Rick you've got to get up. It's time for school, bud. You're going to be late if you don't get up." She shook him gently, getting up when she saw his soft green eyes open up.

Fiona ran over to make her brother some breakfast, popping some bread in the toaster. "Go get dressed, okay? And pick out something decent, please!" She called to him as he trotted to his room tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

As Fiona was packing his lunch, the toast popped out of the toaster with a ding. She sighed gratefully, getting out a plate and putting the toast on it, covering the two pieces with butter and strawberry jam. "Ricky! Breakfast!" She called out for him, finishing packing his lunch.

Ricky came out with his comb and his clothes on. "Good outfit, Rickster. Breakfast is on the table." Fiona said, zipping up his lunchbox.

He went to sit down, and Fiona came up behind him. "Comb." She asked, holding out her hand. Ricky held up the comb, eating quickly as she brushed his hair.

When he finished, he ran out to the bathroom to brush his teeth as Fiona packed his bag. "Is there anything missing from your bag?" She waited as he replied, "Oh shoot, yes!"

"What is it?" Ricky told her it was his book, and she spotted it, spelling the title, Dinosaurs, in big, block letters. Fiona quickly grabbed the book, fitting it into his bag.

Ricky came out of the bathroom, and put his shoes and bag on. She gave her little brother his lunch, and sent him on his way to the bus with a kiss on the cheek. Fiona sighed when her brother had left, leaning against the wall. She made herself coffee, and looked in the mirror.

Her long, red-blond hair was up in a messy bun, that hadn't been washed in days. Her bright blue eyes were bloodshot, and tears were dried down her pale, freckled face. Fiona sighed softly, going to her computer. She flipped it open, going job searching, then shut it, giving up for the morning. She rubbed her face tiredly, then got up to take a shower.

Fiona got out a little while later, changing into some skinny jeans and a loose tank top. She got the dreaded call from Ricky's school, picking it up and knowing what had happened from the nurse's simple words, saying that he had requested to have been picked up. She nodded and said that she'd be on her way with a sigh. She knew it to. Her Uncle Dominick had died.

Fiona drove to Ricky's school, and saw her brother desperately trying to hold back tears. "Come here, Rick..." She sighed, crouching and letting him run into her arms. He broke down the second he was safe in her hold. She signed the forms to take him home, thanking the staff as they wished them well.

"Fi-fi..." Ricky chocked out, using the same nickname he called her when he was younger. "I know Rickster, I know..." She rocked him softly as he sobbed in her arms. She kissed his bright ginger hair, walking him to the car.

Fiona sighed heavily. "We owe Auntie Margret a call, okay?" She looked at the small boy, who sniffed and nodded.

"Fifi?" He looked up at her.

"Yes?" She met his gaze.

"Promise you won't go... Please... For me?"

There it was again, that mention of death that made Fiona's heart skip a beat. She looked down at her little brother, whose face was streaked with wet tears. She wondered what he saw, if he knew something about her death. It made her worried, but she held him close.

"Don't worry Rickster. I promise. I won't die." She took a shaky breath and he nodded.

Fiona's little brother yawned, drained from sobbing so intensely. She smiled down at him, rocking him some. He fell asleep in her arms, and she strapped him in the back seat, taking off his backpack. She buckled herself in, starting the car.

She pulled out of the school parking lot, driving along the highway. Ricky's words echoed in Fiona's mind, and she shivered some, blinking. When she opened her eyes, the last thing she saw were the bright lights of a truck who had spun out of control, speeding towards her. She honked, screaming as her breaks screeched, and she spun, feeling the heavy impact of the truck as she slammed her head against the steering wheel, the airbag popping out as the world blackened around her.

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