Chapter 2

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•3 years later•

Fiona stays home with, now, her 7 year old brother. She sits on the sofa with her computer in her lap and coffee in one hand. She searches through site after site for job offers. She gave up on applying for college after being rejected 15 times. Ricky sits in front of the TV playing with a few trucks he got from his grandparents for Christmas a few months back. The two have been rather lonely since their mother passed.

She took a sip of her coffee, then choked on it. Not because it was hot, but because something popped into her head almost like a random notification on her cell phone. She could tell the same thing was going on with Ricky. He turned around and looked into his sister's dead eyes.

"Uncle Dominick... i-is going to be gone." She said staring back at the child.
"I-I know..." The little boy's smile slowly disappeared and he put down the trucks "Fiona," Ricky waited for acknowledgement, then continued "sometimes I really wish we didn't know when people were going to die. One day I'm going to wake up and know the day you will die and I won't know what to do."

She walked over to her brother and gently grabbed him in her arms. "You won't have to worry about that for a long time," He shot her a confused look "because I'm healthy and only 20 years old. I take care of myself." She gave him a little half smile for reassurance.

She held the child closer as he tried not to cry. Fiona cared too much about her brother to tell him the truth, she's scared of death too. Ricky will know the day Fiona is going to die, unless he leaves first.

She shook her head and snapped out of her daze. "Rick," She patted his head "I love you."
He looked up at his shaking sister "I love you too."

The two sat together with the couch supporting them. Ricky layed his head on Fiona's shoulder and she ran her fingers through his hair.
Don't be scared thought, but anxiety started to build up. She felt as if she was lifting off the ground. The thought of death kept filling her mind. She imagined her little brother crying in the front row at her funeral with a basket of her favorite flowers, daisies and tulips. Crying weeks before because he knows it's going to happen.

Ricky slowly fell asleep in her arms as she slowly fell apart.

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