Chapter 5

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"Fiona!" Ricky broke down into sobs as he bolted out of his chair, throwing himself onto his sister.

The doctor pulled him back. "Easy there, big guy. Your sister broke one of her ribs, you have to be careful."

Ricky nodded, and carefully hugged his sister's arm, being mindful of the several IVs in it. "Rickster... I'm sorry..." Fiona coughed wearily, letting out a groan.

"It's okay. You promised you wouldn't go, and you kept it. You promised." He hugged her arm tightly, tearing up again.

She smiled down at him weakly, morphine working its way through her system. "I did, buddy. I promised." She whispered. The doctor watched them.

"Hey, your sister may fall asleep again because of the medicine, okay?" The doctor looked at Ricky, who nodded. "And ma'am, you tell me if you feel any pain." Fiona nodded at the doctor, humming softly.

"Rickster, climb up here with me..." She mumbled, and Ricky obeyed, curling up next to his sister. Fiona stroked his hair, humming. "I love you, buddy."

Ricky blinked his emerald green eyes up at her. "I love you too. I love you so much." He teared up a little.

Fiona hummed softly, rubbing his back and closing her eyes. "Hey Ricky?"

"Yeah?" He yawned softly.

"I want you to be a big boy these next few weeks, okay? I can get the neighbors to help for the first days when I'm in the hospital... But I'm going to need your help when I get home..." She sighed, blinking up at the bright lights.

"B-But I don't want to go home without you... I want to help..." He whimpered, sniffing some.

"I know Rickster..." Fiona was beginning to slur. "But we can talk about it later, okay? I'm getting sleepy, and you are too..."

She played with Ricky's ginger hair, humming softly as they drifted off together on the hospital bed. Fiona slept peacefully, the drugs giving her blissful dreams. Ricky slept soundly in her arms, knowing they were both safe, and together.

A few hours later, Ricky awoke with a yawn. He looked up at his sister, who was still asleep as the morphine ran its course in her bloodstream, her face peaceful. He sat up with another yawn, standing up and stretching. The same doctor from before was there, checking Fiona's IVs and monitors.

The doctor gave Ricky a kind smile. "Hello again." Ricky smiled back softly.

Fiona groaned loudly, trying to shift as she began to slip away from her sleep. Ricky came up quietly, kissing her cheek. She relaxed back into sleep, a smile brushed upon her lips. The doctor watched and smiled. "You two are close."

"Yes sir. It's just us, so we have no other choice." Ricky looked to his sister.

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that." The doctor said. "My name's Mathew, but you can call me Dr. Matt." He held out his hand.

Ricky took it, giving it a small shake. "I'm Ricky, and that's my older sister, Fiona."

"It's nice to meet you." Doctor Matt smiled. "How old are you, Ricky?"

"I'm seven." Ricky replied.

"Wow, you're a big young man, aren't you?"

The two chatted for a while, until Fiona woke up with a groan. She looked at the doctor and blinked softly. "Wh-Where's my brother...?"

Ricky came up and squeezed her hand. "I'm here, Fifi."

"I need to feed you..." She moved to get up.

Doctor Matt hurried over. "Woah there, easy. You can't move yet." He smiled gently as he guided her back down.

Fiona looked up at him with a frown. "But I have to feed Ricky..." Her eyes were hazy as the morphine lingered inside of her.

Doctor Matt nodded. "I understand. I'm going to go get you both something to eat, okay?"

"H...He's lactose-intolerant... And I have a peanut allergy..." She mumbled, eyelids drooping slightly.

"No, silly. It's the other way around." Ricky giggled at his loopy sister. Doctor Matt smiled, heading out to get them something to eat.

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