chapter two

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Hey guys next chapter!!!

Here it goes..........


Kakashi's P.O.V

Naruto and I were sitting at ichiraku's eating me at my first bowl naruto at his 7th, this is going to cost me big train of thought lost its momentum as I saw a strange girl enter the shop taking her coat of and putting it on the seat next to hers. She had white hair , whiter than my own. Her eyes was a grayish blue , her skin was pale and she looked washed out in the oversized shirt she was wearing.

"Kakashi-sensei, are you even listening to what I'm saying?"Naruto asked whining a bit.

"Oh you were saying?"I quickly replied finishing the rest of my meal...


Toushi's P.O.V



After eating I paid the kind man that cooked me that delicious meal and was on my way , only to be followed by the two strangers....


I kept walking aimlessly trying to lose them.when I saw that they weren't going to give up I went to the training grounds and hid in a tree deciding my next move while masking my chakra.

I thought out a plan and I had just finished placing my traps when they walked towards my trap.

5 minutes later they split up in search of me the yellow one staying behind, whiskers probably thinks he can find me.

He was looking at the tree I was sitting/standing, I have had enough of this I thought I jumped down landing a few feet away from him.

He saw me and drew his kunai's, I just stood there one arm by my side and the other inside my cloak with my hand and part of my forearm hanging out the front.the way Itachi always stood...I miss him.

"Who are you and what is your business here in konoha?"He asked

I was just standing there I wanted to keep my low profile but I guess that's not going to happen.I sighed to myself I doubt it that he had heard it.

"It doesn't concern you"I said calmly wanting him to just leave me alone.

But I had a feeling that he wouldn't just let it go...

"I am a ninja of konoha it does too concern me"he said with a sense of priority.

"Why are you following me?"

"Kakashi-sensei said so he thinks your with Akatsuki here to capture me"he said in a low voice

"I am not part of akatsuki"

"Why are you wearing that ring that all the members have?"He asked....dam this guy is annoying

"It was a... Very close friend of mines"I said sadly holding back the tears,,get a grip on yourself toshizo!!!

"I don't believe you..." A voice said then it all went black


Heheheh sorry but I'm gonna leave you hanging till next time!

Love you all to bits


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