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Maybe. Maybe this'll happen maybe it won't. Maybe my homework will get done before two am, maybe it won't.

Life is a sea of maybes.

Maybe I'll find the right guy, maybe I won't.

Everything is uncertain. Nothing in life is ever guaranteed.

Maybe he'll like me too.

But maybe he won't.

Maybe he'll say yes. Maybe he won't.

People say confidence is key to success. But what about when that confidence doesn't pay off? What happens when your confidence condenses down into maybe. What if your spur of the moment guts turns into maybe it won't work out.

Maybe he's lying. Maybe he's too embarrassed to admit it.


Maybe it'll work out later.

Maybe he's just telling the truth.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.

Life's a process, a process full of maybes, what if's and spur of the moment confidence.

But maybe, just maybe, it could be more than that.


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