Chapter 3

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Everyday I get these pathetic and pity looks from the people around me. It seems that word travels fast cause the only reason they do this is because they must have heared of how Brandon used me.

Yes I agrees he was stupid and arrogant and a douch but com'on people. Life goes on.

Sometimes they ask me where the old Catalina has gone, but all I reply to that is that she died the day she realised her boyfriend used her for money and for his own personal uses.

But what they did not know, was that it wasn't the only reason. Sure I became cold and distant, but who says I wasn't already like this.

I got my own reasons as to why I'm such a bitch. Now dont get me wrong. I don't bully or fight unnecessarily. I only fight when standing up for myself and in the ring. Or streets if you wanna put it that point.

I'll put it in simple form as to why the Catalina Valentia became a cold and heartless bitch.

Firstly, I used to have a job. Way back even before I met my pathetic ex. I was a bartender at a strip club.

I needed the money. Badly. It was the only way i could pay for my college intuition. I made friends that time. I had trust, I was loyal and I was vulnerable. For me, vulnerability didn't make you weak, but make you stronger. And boy was I wrong

I had to whiteness my own best friend (stripper might I add) getting raped while I was trying to get that fucker off of her. I was useless. Nothing could be done and once he fucked her. S-she was killed.

By that time I had the thought that this guy was a fucking necrophiliac son of a bitch. Cause once he killed her, he fucked her again and again. While I was there.

No fucking shame.

Since that day, I swore to never care about anyone else like I cared about her.

Secondly, after I whitnesed that I quit my job and hurried the fuck out of there as if my ass was on fire.

I got another bar tender job, but luckily it was by a club and not a stripper one. I had only worked at my new job for 2 days and I was already being groped.

The motherfuckers had another thing coming if they thought they could get away with it. As a guy slapped my ass, I turned around swiftly and punched in the face and kneed him in the stomach.

At the same time my fucking boss came out. Yes my boss.
And you know what he said. He said that I gotta apologize for my 'behavior'. Right there and then I wanted to kill them both.

Since that day I swore to never listen to anyone orders ever again. It could be from the fucking queen from England and I still wouldn't listen. I decided that I'm my own person.
No ones puppet or doll to play with and certainly no ones punching bag. At that moment I went and looked for a gym. A gym with The best fighters training at it.
When I arrived, guys thought I was gonna give em a show. And they were right.
But boy was it a show to always remember

I beat each and every male in that gym on the exact same day. And the funny thing is, I did not even break a sweat.
That's how weak they were.

But it seems that they rely on muscle only. No intelligence whatsoever. Me on the other hand, I used my anger and my brain to fight. My anger to boost my strength and determination and my intelligence to analyse their attacks. It was slow though. Everything was messy. And here I thought they were all trained professional fighters. Seems look really are deceiving.

Last but not least, it was a cold night out. I went for a drink cause my body deserved a break from fighting all the time. Wouldn't yours?.

Anyways as I was walking, I stumbled upon a place. I went inside and saw a ring, cage or two men. Fighting in a cage and people making bets.

That's when I knew it was the real deal. The underground.
It was the night I found my sanctuary.
The night I accidentally became one of the underground fighters.
The night I got beat up badly.
And it was the night that I swore to train and never be beaten again.

I went back to gym but this time I demanded for the best. Days past and I went back to the underground. I waited for my name. Rush. As they say. Once I did I got up and reached my opponent. Tall. Muscular. Big and arrogant. At that moment I know he was gonna either be out cold in a few seconds or die within a minute.

The bell rang and we circled each other. He was still smirking while I just kept myself composed cause if I did not, then we would be grinning like idiots.

Finally he lunged for me but I just side stepped him to make him fall but it seems hes light on his feet cause next thing I knew he's about to kick my feet from under me. Luckily I jumped over his feet or else I'd be the dead one.

We did this for a few seconds when I grew bored. When he a was about to give a round house kick I stopped in my tracks and kept his leg from reaching my face.

With his leg, I took it and flung over my shoulder like he weighed nothing. What can I say? I pick up 267 kg.

As he was flung and still in the air, I gave a low kick to his stomach and round house to his head. He was out cold when I got out of the ring. Cheers were heared and the name Slash came up. My opponent 'Slash' is down. On the ground. In the dirt where he belongs.

That's my story in short for you. If you want a full description call 089-fuck you-500.

My mind was so full of thoughts and memories that I was just about to doze off when something his my head. And hard! I looked behind me and saw my bully. God damn!
Its like he never gives up.

I picked up the paper and it read, "I'm gonna fucking end you just you wait princessa," when I finished I turned my head to look at him hard. While I did that I slowly broke my pen and stuffed in the paper, roles it into a ball and chucked it towards his head. I turned back around as fast as lighting, trying to keep in a laugh. When I heared the sound splat, i knew it worked.

Everyone was laughing and pointing while I just kept a straight face. It soon faded when I saw his face. I laughed and laughed until my face was streaming with tears.

On his face was pieces of paper, pen pieces and most of all, a huge splatter of black ink covering his entire face and dripping down. When he saw me laughing and looking amused, he scowled and made a slicing motion with his neck. My comeback however surprised him. All I did was give a wink, blow a kiss and mouth the words 'enjoy' towards him. Then I upped and left the room but not before I let out a bark of laughter infront of the entire class.

With that I left the room completely and strolled down the corridor of this school. As I rounded the corner, I came face to face with ink boy. Haha! He looked at me, fuming with rage and just when he was about to reach me, I ran like lightning and screamed over my shoulder, " Catch me if you can! Come on I dare you, you pussy!" With that I dashed to my car and made a beeline towards my happy place.

Underground here I come!

Nah! I take that back

It was surposed to be my place, my second home, my escape.

But noo. My bully just had to show his face.

And the worst thing, he's my next opponent!!!


What do you guys think!?
Is Cat/Rush gonna win?
Or will Trent get his revenge.

Next update, tomorrow
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