Chapter 2

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I know it would be a lie to say im fine even when I'm not but it seems that I've been saying that for the entire school day.

I got pitty looks from everyone because of this mornings situation, angry glares from the slut that took my boyfr - ex boyfriend and sad and apologetic looks from my well known ex.

I mean yes I'm angry, sad, depressed, lonely but, well,I dont wanna cry about it cause what's the use.

Crying ain't gonna fix my stupid situation so why even bother. Sigh

Right now I'm walking to the cafeteria and looking for that girl from this morning on the way there. I wonder where she could be. I thought

As I reached the lunch room, it all went silent. And I hate silence. I walked further into the room, head up high and ordered my food.

I found a empty table near the exit door to the yard so I sat there,ate and awaited my new friend.

Just as I was throwing my left overs away, the schools bitch just had to dump her food on me. I was so angry that all I saw was red and before she could do anything further, I took her head and banged it into the the pole by the dustbin. BANG!!

I think I did it too hard cause one I looked at her face, it was so hedious that I let out a cold and sadistic laugh.

As I recovered I bent down face level to her and I spoke in the most cold manner that I could muster up without laughing my stupid ass off. "Try any of your tricks again, and you'll find yourself ending up in that trashcan just like the piece of shit that you are".

I stood up and as I looked around, I could hear snickers and see people trying to cover up their laughter with a cough.

Satisfied with my job well done, I let the lunch room in search of my new friend.
Just as I round the corner, I was pushed up against the wall by one of the schools badboys / player / jock - Trent Greyson.

The fucker who always bullies me for no reason,the fucker who mocks me and even trips me.

Yes if you figured it out, I hate this man - sorry I mean boy cause I have this slight doubt that he even has a dick to start out with since his such a coward with no brain at all and- Oogf!

I got slambed against the wall a second time but, this time I actually got hurt. Fucking moron.

The jerkface also had the audacity to breath in my face and I could smell that retched stench of smoke.

"Babygirl." He purred. "How about you help me with my little problem down there cause it seems its becoming very hard to maintain. If you know what I mean." He ended off winking at me with a suggestive smirk planted on his abnormal face.

Okay who and I kidding, he hot like a flipping Greek god but hes attitude is what reflects most of him. Basically his a piece of shit.

"Sorry but I got better things to do than helping you with your little problem. If you know what I mean." I ended off smirking. And because of my little rant he became fiesty and started to grope me in place that I would love to keep to myself.

As his hand went under my skirt, I moved mine lower to hes member and since he had a dirty imagination, he thought I would spend some time with his little member. Hah but he was wrong.

My hand was close and when it was there I grabbed him so hard that I heared a cry of pain and anguish escape his lips. He fell to the ground and thankfully he couldn't move or else I'd be dead meat in a dumbster.

I bent to his face and whispered,"Hey you hear that? It the amazing sound of me smashing your masculinity."

With that I sped down the hall way to my fifth class.
People were whispering shouting about the scene in the lunch room and all I could do was block it out.

One of the boys in the room asked me what I'm gonna do if i get caught and you know what I did? I went to the board and wrote 2 things. To Do List 1: Not to give a fuck 2:that is all.With that I left not only the room but the school.

I hopped into my Ford Mustang Gt 500 and sped off to my favourite place that nobody knows about. The Underground.

As I pulled up in the driveway I could here screams of pain and agony. And to be honest, I like that sound. Ever since I changed, I took pity on no one.

Cause I had to learn the hardway,that money and friends are overrated. Money never lasts and friends always betray you. Sure I know people, but I never befriended them. No way.

The day that happens will be the day hell freezes over. Dramatic sigh.

The moment I pushed open the doors I saw bodies lying either in the ring or on the floor, out cold. I just had to laugh at this pathetic scene.

These people always think they can handle the hard stuff. They bite off too much than they can chew and that's what's so funny. Some people show up with determination to defeat at least one of us but the end result is always the same.

They never do. I for one am the strongest here and me being a female is even another advantage than anything else cause these assholes always underestimate me.

"Hey Rush!! Get your sexy ass over here," called Luke. Now I know you're curious as to why he calls me rush, well here's it in short.

"Rush" : I got the nickname Rush because early in my months here, many of my fights wouldn't make it past the first round.

When my adrelinen kicks in, I just don't stop. Never. Even if my opponent's out cold I still keep going. Thats why no one makes it past the first round. Cause they down. Hehe yes I may be a sadist, but hey its their fault for underestimating me just cause I'm a girl.

"Yeah hold your fuckin' horses ya prick," I said with a scowl included.

"Oh for the love of God stop being a bitch you fucking brat!?,"

Aahh hell nah! He did not just go there!!

"Hey asshole!! Dont make me come over there and casterate you, you motherfucking pedophile son of a bitch!!," I shouted.

"Yeah as if you could do that to anyone. You ain't doing shit!,"

now you see, this little bitch likes to provoke me into beating the shit out of him. And when I do fuck him up, I get blamed but I never worry thow.

"Oh yeah! Then why do you think Eric turned gay right after he came out of the hospital cause of a mysterious 'stab' wound below the belt? Huh?," I said grinning at him.

And by the shocked look on his face, I can tell that my story worked.because let me tell ya, this bitch looked horrified like hell.

I took one last look at his face and I burst out laughing. Well more like choking on air than anything else but you catch my drift.

When he saw this he scowled and demand a fight. And of cause I accepted.

One minute tops and I was ending it with a finishing move. I did a round house kick to his head which led to him being knocked him out cold and me laughing like a mad man because of my win.

I was cheered on by many and booed by those who lost in the previous fights against me. I didn't care though. That son of a bitch had it coming.

Once he called me a bitch,he dug his own grave and now that ass is gonna sleep in it.

Now this is how I really spend my boring days.


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