Chapter 1

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As I look at Britney and my now officially ex-boyfriend, I felt my eyes turn into a cold and hateful glare, my heart turning cold and shattered and my stance tense and rigid. I felt this amazing feeling of nothingness and I enjoyed it.

As I looked into their eyes, I could see both fear and shocked expressions. Well,they should be afraid since its their fault that I turned this way.

The whole hallway turned silent and everyone looked at me expectantly, maybe for me to cry, fight I don't know but that naive little girl is now dead. Wait where's my manners.

Sorry, well my names Catalina Valentio. I'm 17 years of age, height is 5'3 and I'm in the 11th grade. Unfortunately I live with my adoptive parents who make the place called home, hell.

It was so silent that I could hear a pin drop of the floor. That enough made me giggle-giggle, like seriously,but I recognised it as a cold giggle.

That giggle turned into a full blown out cold laughter. Right from my mouth. The kind hearted girl. Well, seems she ceases to exist right now so I'll be taking control.

Everyone and I mean everyone turned to me. Shocked cause of my laughter and afraid of what I might do next. That made it even more funny. Idiots really. As I ended my laughing fit, I looked them both dead in the eyes and took a step forward.

Dumb and dumber tried to seem brave my standing their ground, but I saw it was hesitantly. Ha!.
Britney spoke up at that move.

"Well nerd, as you see no one will ever love you no matter what. You just a stupid brat with dead parents and a over protective brother that doesn't even want to protect you, but he does it just because of your dead parents. You hear, its called guilt and you know what?"- she didn't even give me time to answer cause she said-" He never cared for you since he thinks your responsible for your parents death. He hates you, everyone hates you. Even Brandon over here."

A few seconds ago that would've hurt. Like seriously hurt. But its whatever. I know he hates me. Not a shocker. OK so you probably thinking "Wow heartless" and "You such a bitch." ,but seriously, I don't give a fuck.

"Britney baby" , i said in a sneering way- " want to know a secret?". She looked at me for a second then looked at Brandon with a look at said why the fuck ain't she crying yet?? I stepped closer so my face was by her ear.

"I Dont Give A Fuck!" I growled out. I could hear gasps and shocked sounds from these people. Such assholes and idiots in this pathetic school.

The bitch tried to slap me but I caught her wrist with ease. I twisted it as she yelped out in surprise and pain.

Then I turned her around with my hand still locked on her wrist and whispered into her ear "I dont care about any of that. My brother, who hates me, who likes me and who's dead. I dont even care if you have my pathetic ex. And you know why?" I stepped back and looked at them both in the eyes with a cold expression.

"The reason for me not caring is cause its like my mamma always told me." Give your used toys to those who's less fortunate".

Brandon lunged for me cause of a reason I dont know of but I easily grabbed is fist, twisted it, kneed him in the groin then brought is head down to knee him in the face. I heard a satisfying crack and I smiled.

I heared gasps and growls in reply. And then I heared a clap. And one turned to two and so forth until everyone was clapping and whistling.

I grinned evily at Britney who was staring at Brandon on the ground. Groaning in pain. I took a step towards her and punched her in the face.

Kneed her in the stomach and smashed her caked up face into the locker next to me. As I stepped back people made a pass for me. Omg I feel like moses lol.

Just as I stepped up I spoke up loud enough so that everyone could hear. "Listen up everyone. If I see anyone of you bully someone, I will make you pay. I hate fakes and you cheerleaders better get your shit together or you will end up like Britney over here. One wrong move and you will pay. Do You Hear Me!?"

I heared a bunch of yeahs and yes mamm and yes sir. I looked to who said the last one and I saw she was mocking a salute. I grinned and walked up to her.

She was a huge girl. Like muscle and shit. She looked scared for a bit. I moved to her ear and said "Meet me in the cafeteria at lunch.

Lets be friends cause I like the personality." I turned around and saw shocked faces and some were in awe.

"If anyone asks, you dont know what happened. Capiche?!" I heared murmurs of yes and of course. With that I turned to the girl and smiled.

Then I walked and screamed over my shoulder


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