But you and your big innocent eyes, contagious smile, adorable giggle... And your strength, kindness, and faith has made me fall for you Reagan Somers, il mio amore. (My love)

You make me want to be a better person, a better man, and more importantly I strive to be an amazing father to our unborn child. Despite my cruel words about this baby.. There is nothing I want more and nothing that makes me happier than the thought of having a child with you.

And I will do whatever it takes to make sure you have forgiven me and trust me 100%. You deserve a family and an endless amount of love Reagan.. And I hope you will give me the chance to give that to you.

So, to start off our long and memorable journey; I wanna take you on a date. Nothing too fancy so please dress warm and comfy. Preferably an outfit for the snow? I'll pick you up at 5:30 p.m. so be ready gattino. (Kitten)

Love always, your baby daddy x

When I reached the end of the letter. So many emotions were running through me. And before I knew it, I was having my own little sob/laugh session. If I had been in public, people would have thought I was a psycho. But I was so overwhelmed by these sudden emotions.. I couldn't control it.

Despite my best efforts at hiding it.. He could still see my hurt and my longing for love.. For a family. Despite the fact that he knows little to nothing about my past, he could see that I was yearning for the things I lost so long ago.

I checked the time on the microwave and saw it was only 3:23 p.m. I sighed in disappointment but perked up at the sight of the chocolate covered strawberries. Picking up the entire bouquet, I skip back into the living room to continue my lazy day.

• • •

"Hellooo..." A loud voice rang out but I groaned and turned over. However, the voice grew progressively faster and louder.

One Night Stand [HIATUS]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя