Morning sickness...

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C H A P T E R  1.
|m o r n i n g  s i c k n e s s|

I've never been the one-night stand kind of girl. In fact, I was strictly against having sex with someone you didn't love. But I was stupid and drank too much.

And those blue eyes...

I don't remember him too well, except his first name. And of course his handsome face and genuine smile. He captivated me and caused my heart to nearly beat out of my chest.

However, every action has a consequence.

Holding a hand to my mouth, I quickly get up from the couch and sprint to the bathroom. I've been nauseous for days and I had been hoping it was just a stomach flu. But, I can't help and think back to that night as I kneel and puke my guts out.

Tears sting my eyes as I think about the possibility of me being...pregnant.

• • •

"Come on Reagan pleaseee? It's my birthday and your my best friend." Elena, my best friend, begs while jumping up and down on my bed.

I sigh and shake my head at her, "Elena, you know I have work tomorrow. And I don't like to party anyway." She frowns at me as she finally stops jumping. I turn over, ready to go back to watching my sexy Captain America.

Suddenly, a pillow slams down on my face and I jump up startled. I look over to see Elena glaring at me with one of my pillows in her hand. I open my mouth ready to shout at her but she quickly opens her talkative mouth before me.

"Reagan, you. have. no. life. All you do is work, work, work. Like, how are you gonna find a man? If you keep this up, you'll be a scary and lonely 40 year-old cougar. And trust me Reagan, you don't wanna be a desperate old woman,"  My best friend lectures me and I am ready to defend myself but she doesn't give me a chance. "And you're gonna make yourself sick Reagan. Its my job as your best friend slash sister to make sure you are okay and that you don't fall into the lonely old cat lady category."

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