Chapter 18

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Ch: 18 a jaguar with deadly beauty

In Monte Carlo

The father and son worked all night in the train engine to reach Monte Carlo, while Ben planed for when they arrived. By dawn they had reached the city and could barely see the animal control building. They stopped the train and the three hopped out of the train. Since Alex and his son had been shoveling coal to fuel the train, so much coal dust was stuck to their fur that it wasn't for their mane's they would look like black panthers. Ben turned to Alex. "Now what genius." He said sarcastically. "We need to sneak across the rooftop of the city and..." Alex was interrupted by a happy female voice filled with relief. "Alex!" Alex and Ben turned to see a female run up to Alex Jr. and hug him. It was Adora. Alex Jr. was stunned. "Adora, I thought Dubois caught you?" she released him from the hug and said. "She did but she relished me for no reason." That was when she saw Ben and began to growl. "Why is he here?" she gritted thru her teeth. "He was the only one where you and the others were taken." Alex said. A loud group of sirens pierced the air followed by flashing lights. The four instantly know it was animal control. "How did they find us so fast, we just got here." Asked Ben. "It doesn't matter now. We need to get away from the train and hide; they should leave the other animals alone since they just want us. Follow us Adora." As they started to run Adora knew what they didn't, how animal control had found them. It was her. She looked at Alex Jr. as they ran; a tear ran down her face. In a voice so quite only she could barely hear, she spoke. "I'm sorry my love, I love you so much but I must do this." In a few seconds Alex turned to see Dubois and other officers on mopeds after them. Alex knew they need a merical and fast.

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