Chapter 15

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Chapter: 15 return to the zoo

(In Alex's dream)

He was in Africa starving and chasing a gazelle thru the dry plain slowly gaining on it. In a few moments, he had pinned it to the ground. As the animal pleaded with him, he raised his claws over its neck ready to strike.

(End of Alex's dream)

Alex awoke from the dream knowing it wasn't just a dream but a memory. A memory of when he was starving in Africa when Gia was pregnant with the cubs. He felt tired even after sleeping from the blood loss. He had lost all feeling and ably to move his legs and right arm and was beginning to also in his other arm. He looked to his side to see Gia curled up into a ball snuggled next to him. Not once since her brother left had she left his side. Even tho her parents still hated lions, they still helped their daughter care for him. Gia awoke and saw the fear and tiredness in her mate's eyes. Without a word she knew if the cubs didn't return with penguins soon Alex had about two hours left to live.

At the circus some time later

Every animal was busy helping the penguins get ready to return to the zoo to save Alex in the l.a.r.v. II. The penguins had drawn some of the cub's blood to replenish Alex's blood. The cubs and Adora crammed into the back of the super car as the penguins gave last orders to the chimps. "Mason, you and Phil start the train and meet us at the zoo." Ordered skipper. The chimps nodded and got the remaining circus animals to get ready to travel. "A.J. power up the reactor." Instructed Kowalski. Alex Jr. did as he had been told. The second he started the device, they were off at a speed just below the speed of sound.

At the zoo

"Alex please stay awake, the cubs will return soon with the penguins." Begged Gia. "Gia I'm trying but I can't, I'm too tired." Tears began to run down both of their faces. "Gia I love you and no matter what happens I always will. You are the best thing to ever happen in my life and I am proud to have had cubs with you. From the day we met in that train yard I loved you and now I love you even more now. You have been the perfect mate." Alex was about to close his eyes, when they both heard a loud crash noise. Just as the cubs and penguins jumped into the enclosure, just as Alex blacked out.

A few hours later, the penguins and Alex Jr. had finished repairing Alex's liver and stomach. Alex Jr. walked up to his worried mother and siblings. "Is your father going to be ok?" asked Gia. With a heavy heart he answered. "The penguins and me managed to repair the bleeding and we replenished his blood, but since dad blacked-out with so little blood he may never be the same. There is only a 10% chance he will fully recover."

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