Chapter 13

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Ch:13 fast track

"Isn't there some way we can make it in time?" Asked Ryan. "We could walk back or use the teleporter." Said Alex Jr. . "The teleporter is too unsafe to use, while the wood has Dubois and Ben on the loose. The odds are against us. We will still try but may not make it." Said Kowalski. The cubs all felt tears run down their faces, most of the circus animals thought back sadly to the last time they had saw their friend. "Alex is strong he will make it." Said Marty hopefully. "If it hadn't been for Alice, the circus wouldn't have survived this long." Said Stefano. "That's right, he saved the circus." Said one of the horses. "He defeated the fossa on Madagascar." Said King Julian, without any sarcasm in his voice. "Don't you have any other ideas?" asked Adora. After a few seconds of thinking Kowalski got an idea.

(Meanwhile in at an animal control base)

All night after her fight with the penguins Dubois walked to get to animal control for reinforcements. When she arrived even tho she wasn't in Monty Carlo the officers knew who she was. She smiled to herself, soon she would kill the lion.

(Back at the circus)

"Maybe I could build another car with a nuclear reactor like when we first joined the circus. It will take nonstop work of 32 hours of the less than 39 we have left to build it but I think it would make it in time if we start construction now." Said Kowalski. And without a word the penguins and Alex Jr. had started to make blue prints.

That night while the penguins worked they let Alex Jr. go to Bed with his siblings to sleep. None of the cubs slept but simply laid down in their beds talking to each other. The whole time Alex Jr. was silent, that is until Serena noticed he was crying. "Alex what's wrong?" he looked at them all and said. "Guys I'm sorry." "For what?" asked Bella. "If I hadn't invented the teleporter we wouldn't be in this mess." He said regretful. "Alex, that's not true you couldn't have known." Said Serena. "That is true, but guys you wouldn't have caused this. You all have the gift to be normal, while I am the screw-up. I'm just the runt of the litter who thought he was special, who thought he would have a chance to prove my worth. Instead I have caused this and dad may die of it, all because of me." He said. They had never seen him this upset, but they knew they had to cheer him up.

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