Chapter 21

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Chapter: 21 a jaguar's true nature

Alex froze, Gia stood in front of him. Unlike the others that had been locked in the enclosure, Gia had a relaxed look in his eyes. She was down on all fours and her fur was messed up, but Alex didn't care he was reunited with Gia. What Alex didn't know was Gia was he was being fooled by his mate. Almost as if he was under a form of trance, began to walk closer to Gia, not hearing her growling stomach. When Gia was within striking distance, she leapt to kill Alex when Vitally grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and restrained her arms. Despite how useless it was, Gia still tried to attack only to fail. Vitally looked over at Alex. "How ve going to get out vith with still fighting us?" he asked. Alex knew there was only one way they could get everyone out with Gia as well. They would have to knock Gia out too. Alex turned to his son. Alex Jr knew what his father was about to tell him. Without a word, Alex Jr walked over to Gia. "Sorry mom." He said to Gia. The young crossbreed then struck Gia in the back of her neck. She instantly stopped struggling. Alex walked over to Vitally, who handed him the sleeping jaguar. Alex then turned and picked up Gia's brother too, just as Alex Jr Ryan, and vitally picked Gia's parents. They then walked over to the door and asked Serena to open it. When the door opened they were met by the sight of Serena, only she had a bleeding nose, had multiple cuts, and had a feline bite mark on her arm. Bella, who now lay unconscious in a different spot than where she had been earlier, also had similar wounds. Serena looked up at them with a puzzled expression on every one of their faces. "Don't ask." Said the young feline.

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