Chapter 9

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Chapter: 9 Memories

As Alex managed to hang on to the bar, he was unsure how Gia had followed him and climbed the ladder with out him knowing or why she pushed him into doing trapeze. He was about to grab the next bar when, a new memory hit him making him lose his grip on the bar and fall to the net below. The sudden flash of memory caused a lot of pain in Alex's head and made him grab his head and yell in pain before he even hit the net. Gia saw this and began to climb down the latter scared and unsure what was happening to Alex. By the time Gia got to the bottom of the latter Alex had stopped yelling and had passed out from the pain. All the circus animals had stopped training, and were now looking at the unconscious lion and Gia. Vitally pulled Alex out of the net and while still holding Alex, asked Gia. "Vhat happened?" "I am not sure, get him to Kowalski." Said Gia.

(Later in Alex's and Gia's train car)

"I have good news and bad news about Alex's condition." Said Kowalski. "What's the good news?" Asked Gia, hopping Alex was ok. "It seems you managed to jog your mate's memory with the trapeze and he should have his full memory back as soon as he wakes-up." Gia felt happiness rush thro her body, but then asked. "What is the bad news?" "With this type of amnesia Alex has it is dangerous that if he gets full memory back too quickly, the sudden memory jog could destroy him mentally (meaning go crazy) or cause him have a personality disorder." Replied Kowalski. This instantly upset Gia, who then felt her cub(s) lightly kick her stomach. Gia knew that the stress from the ordeal was beginning to harm her cub(s) and the stress could kill the unborn life if she didn't calm down. "What should we do?" asked Gia, trying to calm down. "It would be best to restrain him so if he tries to attack he will be tied down. I'll go and get the restraints." Kowalski then left the cart leaving Gia alone with the unconscious lion. Gia walked over to the bed Alex was laying in and sat on the edge of the bed. Suddenly Alex began to wake-up, making Gia get off the bed. Alex bolt up in the bed and looked at Gia with a blank expression on his face. Gia walked up to Alex and said in a calm voice. "Alex, remember me?" The blank look on Alex's face and was replaced with an attack expression. Alex then tried to claw Gia in her pregnant belly. Gia managed to just barely avoid Alex's claws from harming her cub(s), but Alex's other paw/ claws deeply cut Gia's shoulder making Gia fall on her back with her shoulder bleeding. Gia realized that the sudden memory jog had reawakened Alex's predator instincts. Gia was about to get up when her unborn cub(s) started to painfully kick her, creating more pain for her and forcing her to stay on the floor. Alex (walking on all four paws) began to circle Gia like a predator does with it's pray. Gia then saw instead of a wild look in Alex's eyes, she saw he was crying! It seemed Alex knew what he was doing but he couldn't control his actions. Alex then looked at pregnant jaguar, and Gia said in pain. "Alex please, it's me your mate Gia." Alex then stopped in his tracks grabbed his head in pain as his mind tried to return to normal. Gia managed to stand-up, about when Alex did. He was still crying, but now had fear in his eyes in what he had just done to her. Gia tried to run to her mate, but Alex stepped back from her. "Gia please stay back, I don't want to hurt you." Alex then jumped out of the train car and bolt off for the near by woods. Not wanting to lose her mate again, Gia ran on all fours after Alex with her shoulder still bleeding.

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