Chapter 14

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"Hagrid what have you done?!" I asked again and Hagrid stared back at me with a confused expression on his face. The egg rolled again on the table and Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me a bit further back from it causing me to roll my eyes.

"What's wrong?"Hagrid asked.

"Hagrid that is a bloody dragon egg! It may be cute when it first hatches but what about whenever it starts to get older and bigger. Dragons can't be tamed Hagrid! They can barely be contained. They are vicious creatures!" I replied and I began to shake.

"She's right Hagrid," Hermoine said and the big guy looked really sad.

"I expected you to be angry but not this angry. He's on'y a baby," Hagrid replied but I kept my stare on the table where the egg continued to shake and roll.

"He's only innocent for so long. Were-I mean dragons aren't innocent forever," I slipped up and Ron's gaze shot to mine.

"Annie, Can I speak to you outside a minute, alone," Ron said whenever Harry began to follow me out. I hugged him quickly before I followed Ron out. I swung the door closed behind me and Ron pounced.

"This isn't about the dragon is it?" Ron asked me and I shook my head, looking down at my feet.

"I feel guilty for not telling them yet," I admitted to him and I sniffed. They are my best friends in the entire world and I still hadn't told them the biggest secret I have. I won't be able to properly be myself with them until I do.

"They're not going to judge you, you know," Ron said, taking me into a tight hug.

"I know but what if? I can't help but look at Harry and Hermione and talk to them and have them talk to me as if I'm a completely normal person and not an animal-"

"Hey you are not an animal!"

"Everybody thinks so! The ministry won't even employ me as an auror whenever I'm older and I'll be an outcast as soon as I turn seventeen! They deserve so much better!" I cried and Ron shushed me. I felt myself being transferred into someone else's arms and I cried into his chest. Harry kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter.

"Whatever you need to tell us we will completely understand. We won't judge you. I won't judge you," He whispered and I nodded, snuggling my head into his chest. He let me cry for a bit longer before I pulled back and wiped my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just something that has been nagging at me since I met you guys I just haven't figured out how to tell you," I said, getting a tissue out of my pocket and blowing my nose. I probably looked like a mess. He didn't say anything though.

"You can tell us anything you know that," He said.

"I know that it's just not an easy thing to say," I said to him and he nodded. He was about to say something but Hagrid cut him off.

"Ye two might want ter get in here! He's hatchin'," Hagrid called and Harry smiled at me before we both walked back into the hut. I followed after him and I walked to the edge of the table. I felt a hand pulling me back and II turned around to see Harry pulling me back. He then stepped in front of me slightly and Hermione smirked at me, causing me to blush.

The egg was rolling from one side to the other so fast that you could barely tell it was moving. There were multiple long cracks spreading from the first few and the sounds of the egg shattering rang throughout the hut. Where the egg once stood, a small baby dragon. It was an onyx colour with scarlet veins rippling throughout its back and across its wings. The dragon had large orange eyes and a thin and pointed face. It opened its mouth and there were small jagged teeth that could rip into meat with much ease.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Annie's WayWhere stories live. Discover now