Chapter 9

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"Annie wake up!!! It's our first day of SCHOOL!!" Waking up to a screaming child is not really how I like to spend my mornings. Ron really did manage to convince Dumbledore to let us all share a dormitory whenever he realised Hermione was going to be in our dorm. I now realised why he laughed at us and shook his head when we walked out of the room.

"It's half six in the morning Hermione!" I said groaning and rolling over. Harry and Ron did the exact same thing and Hermione started looking really annoyed.

"Harry! Ron! Annie just fell out of bed and hit her head! I think she's got a concussion!" She screamed and Ron and Harry shot out of bed so fast you would have thought the building was on fire.

"Annie! Are you okay?!" Harry yes grabbing my head and looking for any bumps like a phsyco maniac.

"I'm FINE! 'Mione just wanted to get you up so she made that story up. See I'm fine! No more brain damage than what I had before!" I said, jumping and skipping about.

"Why'd you call her 'Mione?" Ron asked really sceptically.

"It's my nickname for her seeing as we're all best friends we might as well give each other nicknames!" I said and Hermione opened her eyes really wide.

"We're best friends?!" 'Mione asked and I felt like I was about to cry. She's acting like she never had a best friend before.

"Of course! Now let's go get ready for first period! We're with Flitwick until break!" I said and I ran to the bathroom to get ready along with 'Mione. Not like that you perverts! Just brushing our teeth, doing our hair and getting our make up done.

"Seeing as you got us up really early," I said, playfully glaring at 'Mione, "Lets straighten your hair!" I got to work on her hair and once I was finished, it was really sleek and shiny. I then gave her really light pink eyeshadow, bottom eyeliner and mascara before handing her my lip gloss.

"Wow! Thanks Annie!" 'Mione said, throwing herself at me and hugging me tighter than Mrs Weasley does, which means she broke a few of my ribs! "Now maybe we could curl your hair and do something similar with the makeup but with light brown eyeshadow and red lip gloss?" I nodded and she curled my hair to perfection and putting on my make up. We looked really pretty!

"I think we've bogged the bathroom enough! Thanks 'Mione by the way!" I said and she grinned before we walked out to see the boys.and their jaws dropped.

"You guys look amazing!" Harry said and I blushed really red. Ok, maybe it's about time I admit I have a teeny weeny crush on Harry. 'Mione noticed and she elbowed me and gave me a look that screamed 'TELL ME LATER OR I'LL PUT HAIR DYE IN YOUR SHAMPOO!!'

"Thanks! We need to get going!" I said and the boys left to go into the bathroom whilst we got changed. We ran down to Flitwicks room as fast as we could after breakfast and we were just in time. I took a seat beside Harry and Ron and 'Mione sat in front of us. We had just sat down when I already heard 'Mione and Ron arguing.

"Wingardium LeviosA!"

"Stop stop stop! You're going to put somebody's eye out and besides your saying it wrong! It's LeviOsa not LeviosA!"

"You do it then If you're so clever!" I then seen a feather floating in their general direction and I smirked to myself.

"Look everyone! Ms Grangers done it!" Flitwick said and I full out grinned.

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