Chapter 8

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"There's the Weasleys!  Let's go get Ron and then we can go get a compartment," I said, grabbing Harry by the hand and dragging him over to the Weasleys to go get ron. We found a compartment near the back and there was a girl in the compartment beside ours with her head stuck in the book.

"You guys can go and have some guy time. I'm going to talk to the girl on the compartment next to ours!" I said standing up and and Harry looked disappointed? No I must be seeing things. I walked into the girls compartment and it took her a while to look up from her book she looked so startled that it took everything in me not to start laughing. She had bushy brown hair and brown eyes and her two front teeth her slightly bigger than they normally would be but she was still really pretty.

"Hi what's your name. I'm Annie Lupin!" I said holding out my hand and she took it hesitantly before smiling back at me.

"I'm Hermione Granger. Your last name's Lupin as in The daughter of our assistant Proffessor?" She asked and I shook my head.

"He's my God father. I don't know my real father so I just use his last name," I said," What book are you reading?"

"Oh it's called Magicalamity and it's really good!" She said smiling a lot.

"Really!? That's my favourite book!" I said smiling and her grin widened. I don't really think she's used to having friends.

"Would you like to come into our compartment? I think the boys have bought the trolley out!" I said laughing and she nodded. We walked next door and I was right. Every inch of the compartment was filled with sweets.

"Uh Guys! Can you maybe clear us a seat. Hermione you can sit beside the redhead who is not only stuffing his face but has dirt on his nose and I'll sit beside Harry!" I said and I walked to my space beside Harry and sat down and she glared at me before sitting beside Ron.

"I don't think Annie mentioned your name and I don't really think you want to be called 'The red head who is not only stuffing his face but has dirt on his nose' until we finish Hogwarts!" She said and Harry and I sniggered.

"Ron Weasley and you are?" He said and for a change he actually put down his food and turned around to face her so that he could talk to her. He actually put down his food!!! Ohhhhh love at first sight!

"Hermione Granger!" She said and we just joked and talked until we got to Hogwarts. We changed whenever we heard the announcement go over the speakers and soon it was time to get off the train. We walked over to a tall man with a very long beard.

"Hiya Harry and you must be Annie! Whenever I found Harry again at Diagon Alley to take him back to the Dursleys he never once shut up about you!" He said and I recognised him to be Hagrid. Harry and I blushed furiously and Ron and Hermione laughed at us before going up to the castle to get sorted.

A strict looking old woman spoke to us before we went into the Great Hall about the sorting but I didn't listen and neither did Ron. The Weasleys told us what it was like and Remus just told me about his sorting so I didn't really need to listen. We walked into the Great Hall and the sorting started.

"Hermione Granger...........GRYFFINDOR!!"

It was soon time for my sorting and I walked up to the hat with as much confidence as I could muster.

"Ahhhh Annie Lupin. So much like.your mother and Father and you definitely have the sass of your Aunt. Better be  GRYFFINDOR!!" I jumped off the stool and Ran to the red and gold table and  took my seat. Once the sorting was over I was more than happy. All of my friends had gotten into to Gryffindor as well.

Sorting check! Now all I have to do is get through classes and exams and my first year at Hogwarts will be a success!

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