Chapter 10

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"She's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder she hasn't gotten any friends!" Ron told Harry and since Hermione and I were a few feet behind yhem, we heard everything. I felt my anger reach boiling point and what was the worst part was that Hermione had tears glistening in her eyes. She marched up to Ron and I followed behind her.

"So why did you want to share a dorm with me and give each other nicknames if we weren't friends!" She croaked and then she ran off ahead of us. I glared at Ron and thank Merlin he had the decency to look regretful.

"I didn't know she was right behind us!" He defended and I hit him on the back of the head.

"And that makes it okay, doesn't it? It's okay that you can go and slag off someone just because they corrected you in class. Real smart, Ronald!" I hissed byt I didnt run off after Hermione. I hadn't known her long but I knew enough about her to know that she wanted to be alone.

"Ill apologise, alright?!" He said and I sighed. I hated being angry with him. It would make us being friends so much harder if I was angry with him every time he did something stupid because, Let's face it, that's all he does!

"He didn't mean any harm," Harry said but he was looking at me hesitantly like I was going to rip his head off for defending Ron. I laughed.

"I'm not going to make you sleep on the sofa if you defend Ron, you numpty!" I laughed and soon we were all laughing. Well, not all of us. Hermione was still in the bathroom.

************Harry's POV***********

"Do you think we should go and get her?" Annie asked, flicking her hair out of her eyes.

"Maybe," Ron muttered. If I was being completely honest, he did act like a git to Hermione.

"We should g-" Annie began but she was cut off by the heavy thud of the doors being thrown open. Professor Quirrell ran in looking frantic and nervous. What a shocker.

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!!" That was. "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!! Thought you ought to know," he said before fainting and sending the hall into an entire frenzy. I looked at the guys and they looked just as frightened as everyone else except Annie, who looked like she had heard a banished.

"Hermione! She doesn't know!" I yelled and we got off of our seats and dashed out of the hall. We ran all of the way to the girls bathroom but Ron and I hesitated.

"What's wrong? Did you see it?" Annie asked and I blushed.

"Well, it's just that, boys aren't supposed to go into the girls bathroom......" I said and she started laughing.

"I think that unforgivable crime can be overlooked so that we can SAVE OUR FRIEND FROM BEING KILLED BY A TROLL!!!" She screeched and I was the first into the bathroom with Ron fighting to get in and she came in with a satisfied look. We ducked below a sink and when we seen no sign of a troll, Annie ran to the stall where the sniffling was coming from.

"Hermione, you've his from the world long enough, let me in!" Annie said.

"Has Weasley decided to apologise?" 'Mione asked and Ron looked pissed.

"You can still call me by my first name, I'm not Malfoy!" He said and I held ing a laugh.

"Aplogise first!" She said back and he sighed but he apologised none the less. She came out of the stall rubbing her eyes and Annie hugged her but they were quickly broken up when she screamed.

"The troll. It's behind you!" Annie screeched and I ducked as a large club came and smashed the sink.

That was the first time I had ever seen a troll and I was hoping it would be my last. It towered above us at slightly more than eight feet tall and its feet were humongous. It had a small face with eyes to match and its ears were the size of dinner plates. It wore a piece of shredded fabric around the waist. It was the ugliest thing I had ever seen and I had seen Vernon in swimming trunks.

"Harry!" Annie shrieked and I was knocked out of my reverie by the troll picking me up by the ankle. Not the highlight of my day. I swung from its hand and I had to keep on trying to sit up as it had kept swinging its club at my head with the opposite hand.

"Do something!" I yelled.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Anything!" I yelled as I ducked again. Ron pulled his wand out from his sleeve.

"Swish and flick!" Hermione reminded him.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" He said and to everyone's utter astonishment, he levitated the club and they watched as it hit the troll on the top of the head and I fell to the ground. Annie ran to my side and she checked me over and she had just finished when the Professors walked into the room.

"What in the name of Merlin are you kids doing here?" McGonagal hissed and I suddenly was aware that I hadn't even been going ti this school a day before this happened. Yep, I was screwed.

"It's my fault Proffessor. I read all about trolls and I thought I could handle it. I was wrong. I Annie, Ron and Harry hadn't found me, I would probably be dead!" She said and we looked at her in utter astonishment.

"Five points will be taken from Gryffindor. And as for you three. Five points will be given each. For sheer dumb luck!" She said before storming out and the rest of the Professors followed her.

Well that was a series of unfortunate events!

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