"I know, Harry, I know. I didn't even open it and I don't plan on doing so for as long as I live, just calm down for me, babe." I tried to calm him down the best I could, lowering my voice down to a tone my mum used to use with me.

"I can't do that, Jesse! I can't fucking calm down when that asshole is trying to contact you! He's not a part of your life anymore and that's the way it needs to stay! You have me and that's the only thing that matters now-" Harry continued to scream his anger away, but I hastily cut him off with my calm voice.

"Haz. I know I have you, and I'm grateful for that, but that doesn't change the fact that he's till my father. I can try to stay away from him all I want but he's always going to be there, because I'm his daughter, his only daughter. And I'm the last one he's got left. We'll just have to try to forget about him and move on with our lives, can you do that for me?" I advised, hoping that my words would calm him down a bit. By the way he let out an exasperated sigh and a minute later muttered "Of course" told me that I had succeeded.

I spent the next ten minutes talking to Harry about how he and the other lads were doing in the X Factor; I even got to talk to all of them personally which made me excited since I hadn't since they day they left. When I spoke to Niall, it was as if we both forgot about the whole incident that happened before and he was joking around with me. Good old Niall, cracking jokes and divulging on all the food they were being served every day.

Luckily, all the boys made it into boot camp which I had already known from watching it on television. It always put a smile on my face when I watched each of them perform and I had quite a laugh when Zayn was being a chicken and refused to dance, instead taking refuge backstage where Simon had to go back and talk to him.

"I cawnt dawnce, Simon." He had said, his unique Bradford-Pakistani accent coming through in a nervous pitch and making Ann and I burst out into laughter, tears rolling down our faces as we struggled to even speak. Zayn was never the type who danced willingly, but once you got some alcohol into his system he was all over the dance floor, but I'm not sure Ann was aware of that part.

"We're all having such a laugh and meeting so many incredible people!" Louis had gushed, the excitement of the experience almost becoming vivid as he described what it was like to be at The X Factor. I have to say, it only made me more upset that I couldn't see them the more he explained how much fun they were all having. It seemed as if it was all play no work, which in my opinion just wasn't fair at all. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

"Everybody's seeing if they make it through boot camp in a couple of weeks, and the lads and I are bloody nervous! What if half of us make it and the other half don't? Good god, what if none of us make it?!" Louis blabbered, too excited and nervous to take a breath and let me cut in.

"Louis. You guys will do fine, just work together and you'll end up doing a smashing job. What if you all end up making it through and become internationally-famous solo artists?" I commented, trying to calm down the hyper lad.

"Pshh!" he protested "The only way that's going to happen is if we get put together as a group, which I guarantee isn't going to happen."

"I don't know Lou," I said in a sing-song voice, remembering how Liam and I had a similar conversation before they all left to pursue their dreams. "Anything could happen."


"Are you ready to talk about what happened yet, Jesse?" Julia spoke up, looking up at me with a reluctant expression as we sat at the dinner table. Eleanor was on the other side of me and Ann at the very end. I tensed up in my seat, looking down at my plate of food and trying to avoid their gazes as well as the subject. I knew I would have to explain my outburst and everything that caused it, but I didn't want it to be so soon.

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