Chapter 16

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*Song is DNA by Little Mix because the song reminds me of Dark Harry ;) Enjoy xx



“I bet you’re still wondering what happened the other day…in the living room, I mean.” Jessie whispered, looking down at her hands and biting her lip-which she really needs to stop doing. I feel like pinning her down and kissing her every time she does it.

“Erm, yeah. I have been kind of wondering about that lately.” I answered, tilting my head down to get her to look at me.

“Well, Harry.” She averted her gaze up to my eyes, looking slightly nervous. “I’ve been having this…dream…” her voice trailed off and silence fell upon us once again.

“What is it, Jess? You can tell me.” I gave a small smile, showing encouragement.

“You probably will think I’m crazy when I tell you.” She shook her head and laughed breathily, covering her face with her hands.

“Jesse, you’ve done countless crazy things in your life, and I’ve been right next to you every single time.” She smiled. “I guess you’re right.” She sighed exasperatedly, muttering something to herself that I couldn’t hear.

“There’s not really an easy way to say this, so I’ll just try to put it in your perspective.” I nodded, as she made herself more comfortable on the bed.

“It starts off with you and I sitting in your room, much like we are now.” She gestured to our crisscrossed legs across from one another. “We were just talking about stuff I can’t remember, and I distinctly remember how dim your room was, it’s actually quite weird how we were just sitting in the dark alone. Anyways as I was saying, we were just talking normally until you brought up the discussion of Niall and I’s relationship. You asked me if I loved him.” There was a sudden pause, and I started to get nervous about what she was going to say.

“I really did think about the question, honestly, but I don’t think I love Niall. He’s a good boyfriend to me, but lately I’ve realized how much we lack as a couple, there’s not that spark everyone talks about, ya know?” I nodded my head, knowing that the so called ‘spark’ she was talking about was what I got when I was around her.

“And then you asked if I had ever loved someone.” I could see the dream replaying in her mind as she recalled that exact moment, almost as if she was reliving it.

“There was something about the way you said it, and the way your eyes grew darker, it wasn’t the way you normally act, Harry.” Her eyes surveyed mine. “And when you took my hand and moved closer, it was like a new wave of confidence overtook your body.” She proceeded to take my hand and scoot closer to me, just like she had explained. I didn’t know what to do other than to sit there and listen, so I did just that.

“All I remember was how…beautiful your eyes looked.” Her eyes bore into mine with concentration, a small smile on her face. “I mean, your eyes have always been pretty, I’ve told you like a million times before. But this time it was like something emphasized them, and I could see every single bit of color in your irises.” She was staring intently at my eyes and leaning closer, I was becoming slightly self-conscious on how close she was to my face and started to nervously chuckle. Wait, shouldn’t I be happy she’s kissing-distance from me?

“When I said no, the whole ambience changed.” She bit her lip and took her eyes away from mine. “This might sound kind of odd, but you had a very lustful look in your eyes, Harry.” My mouth opened slightly as I began to realize where exactly this was heading.

Behind Closed Doors (A Harry Styles FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora