Chapter 2

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Here I was, sitting in Harry’s car listening to his angelic voice. All I could do was look at him with shock and awe.

Every high or low note he would hit with ease, making Adele look like an amateur, at least that’s how I saw it. I just couldn’t believe I knew him for 5 years and had no idea he could sing, it makes me look like a terrible friend.

I don’t know why, but when I heard Harry singing, I just wanted to lie in his arms, run my hands through that curly hair, and just be with him. It was like his voice could take any problem away, and that’s what I needed.

Whoa, okay what the hell am I saying? I am definitely in need of a boyfriend, but it could never be Harry.

Harry finally ended the song; the car which was once filled with his slightly raspy, magical voice was now silent. I was literally at a loss for words.

“So um, what did you think?” he bit his lip nervously.

“Harry that was…absolutely amazing.”

His eyes lit up as he smiled widely. “Seriously? I mean I never thought I was any good.”

“Harry, why haven’t you told me you can sing so well?”


Oh my god I’m freaking out.

I just sang to Jesse.

I’ve never sang to her before, in fear that she would just laugh at me.

And no one wants the person they’re in love with to laugh at them.

“Harry, why haven’t you told me you can sing so well?” Her big, bright blue eyes mocked me.

Ugh, can we just get married already? Calm down Styles, she’s your best friend.

I blushed, looking down and replying “I’ve never been super good at it, I liked singing but I never wanted to make something of it.”

“Why wouldn’t you? I mean, you’ve got the voice obviously, and you’re pretty fit.”

My breath caught in my throat at the last part, Jesse has never called me anything along the lines of good-looking. She’s called me cute before, but referring more to a puppy kind of cute.

I lifted up my arm and flexed it, “Yeah I guess I’m pretty hot.” I joked. Jesse laughed and punched my arm, “You nerd.”


We entered the Styles household (which is quite large if I must say), and I immediately shouted “I’m home!” Harry threw his bag on the couch and shut the door, “Mum’s not home, she’s working late tonight.”

"What! Who’s going to make us food?” I whined. “You know how I am when I get hungry Harry!” he slightly cringed, “Yes I sure do, but don’t worry. I’ll makes us something delicious.” He wiggled his eyebrows and strolled into the kitchen.

“You better make it snappy!” I yelled, “Mama Bear needs her salmon!” I laughed at my own joke, because I’m obviously that cool.

I collapsed onto the couch, picking up my bag and taking out my 5,000 pound English book. Okay that was an exaggeration but it’s really heavy okay.

Anyway, I decided to start working on the project, we only had 2 weeks and a lot of work to do so I thought I’d get to it.

10 minutes later, I was in the middle of reading about “The History of Literature” when Harry walked in with 2 very delicious-looking plates of mac-and-cheese. My mouth watered as he placed it in front of me, “Bon appetite.” He said with his best French accent. I picked up my fork, shoving the delicious tubes of cheese in my mouth. “Harry I don’t know how many times I’ve told you this, but you are a phenomenal cook!” I mumbled, wiping cheese off my chin.


Jesse leaned back on the couch and wiped her forehead, “Well done Harold.”

Don’t you dare think of anything perverted Harry.

“So now that you’re fed, should we get started?” She groaned then sat back up, “I guess we should.” She sighed exasperatedly. I got up and gathered our book bags, walking over to the stairs that led to my room.

I turned around, realizing I forgot something.

“Jesse are you coming?” I heard her groan again, “Could you carry me?” I sighed loudly, acting annoyed. This actually happens a lot.

I walked back in the living room, picking her up bridal style and lugging both our book bags up the stairs. She silently cheered me on, saying “Come on Styles you got this!” When I finally reached my room, I threw her onto the bed, but not too hard.

If I broke her then she wouldn’t want to makeout with me, and we can’t have that.

She let out a little yelp and clutched her left side, wincing in pain. I rushed to her side immediately.

“Oh my god Jesse I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to I swear!” she looked up at me, smiling reassuringly. “Harry, it’s not your fault. Remember when I, um, fell down the stairs last night?” I nodded my head, recalling the event when she told me this morning.

“That’s all it is. I went to the nurse and got it bandaged up, but it still hurts if any pressure is put on it so I’ll have to take it easy.”

“Okay, just tell me if it’s hurting and I’ll get you some medicine.”

 “This is why I love you, you’re like the big brother I never had.”

She smiled, putting her hand on my arm gingerly before reaching for her book and flipping through the pages.

I watched her do this for a few seconds before she realized I was staring. “What is it?” she finally asked.           

Sorry, it’s just you’re so beautiful and I can’t help the urge to kiss you.

I smirked, looking down at my own book.


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