Chapter Sixty-Nine: Epilogue.

Start from the beginning

How could I have missed that? But I was still having my period every month which is why I was a little skeptical.

Birth control would have been a great thing to use, but I don't regret anything.

Niall can't stay away from her. She's beautiful. And looks like Niall to me; But it's vice versa to him-- even though you can't see it much in her face.

As much as I love kids, I cannot have a second child... Not because I can't take care of them... Because I have all the support I need. It's just the freaking excruciating ass pain of giving birth. And the fact that they didn't let Niall into the room as I was in labor until 3hours into the 8hour process.

When I heard them say that I was giving birth, that's when I was screaming even more than what was already coming out of my mouth. And I was scared because I didn't know if it was going to be Niall's or James' baby.


You know how dad's are usually over protective, and they would usually want to kill they boy who impregnated you, if so...? Well, my dad was so happy about Rosemarie and being a grandfather, he almost kissed Niall.

And Maura was so happy too... I remembered the time she was talking to me about having a baby with Niall.

And never in a million years did I think Niall would have wanted a kid at 19. I know he didn't expect this, as I didn't either... But when it just... Happened... He was more jovial than Maura and Dad put together! Which only made me happier.

I was happy to be a mother... But the press and media had an earful to say about a hoe like me. 18 & pregnant. It hurts. And to know that Niall is losing fans because of me.

I wondered if my Mum had given up that baby...

Sophia loves being an Aunt, and so does Addi. The guys like being uncles... They're so very supportive, I could cry.

Oh, and Addison and Harry have decided their kid's name.

Kennedy if a boy, and Kenadee if a girl. The same name, but different spelling. I thought it was adorable.

So, everyone's apart of Rosemarie's life...

She's captured all of our hearts, and tugs at our heartstrings.

Niall, Maura, Dad, Harry, Addison, Zayn, Liam, Louis, Greg, and even Greg's fiancé--Denise, all except Mum.

I haven't heard from her...

But one day while Niall was handling Rosemarie because she was crying, I flicked on the TV, trying to block the sad noise from the baby monitor until Niall came back to rejoin me. I told you I didn't like to see people cry, but that also includes hearing.

I turned it on, but didn't think I would actually pay attention, until I heard the one name that I hadn't heard in a long time. My head snapped up.

"Critical condition; Suspect identified as Rosenda Kendall," Mum's name.

And after, was said an unfamiliar name, but I immediately knew who it was... Job Hopper. "--killed instantly in the drunk driving..."

There was a pretzel crushed black vehicle on the screen... But it all made since when 3 pictures flashed across the screen.

James was the third one.

A raspy breath hitched in my throat.

"One of the passengers known as Charlie, or James has escaped the crushed car from the lake in Sydney, Australia without a scratch. The vehicle had apparently smash into the bridge, then next swirled into the lake. If you have anymore information, please contact us-"

Mum was the mass mind behind the two nimrods, trying to kill me.

And Job Hopper... Dead.... From a car accident.

Mum... she was hurt.

But... But James had made it out alive... With not one scratch.

Not one...

All three were working together to get rid of me.

Either James would wait for Mum to get better, or I think he was going to just go ahead without her, and come after me.

Why me?

I have so much to live for now. My family. Friends. Boyfriend. And though I'm not use to saying this; My daughter.

James could just stay away and have his life, while Mum comes back to be apart of her granddaughter's life.

And we could try to patch things up.

But now that I think about it...

She was the knotted brunette head in the alley back in Australia...

And things could never be patched up.

Nor would James ever stay away.

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