Happy Appy (Pt.4)

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October 31st, 2011

Happy Halloween. Today, I got a gift in the mail. In it was a note saying;

"To Mr. Yakovlev;

I have heard that you are researching on a show called Happy Appy. During an recent investigation of Kevin Costo's house, I found a incomplete journal that seems to be related to Happy Appy. I hope it will aid you on your quest to unlocking Happy Appy.


Officer Newport"

I decided to open the package, and it was a 70-page notebook, yet most of the pages were torn out. Here are the entries in chronological order;

"February 12th, 1999

Just got the job at Nickelodeon! I've been put on a project that is still being discussed as I write this. I will write more soon.

-Kevin Costo"

"February 25th, 1999

I've been put out of the project to work on Rugrats. The plot of the show, which was called "Attack of the Killer Apples" was a rip-off of the movie Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, but no one liked the idea, including me."

"March 1st, 1999

Guess what? I've heard that the show is going to see the light of day! The man who is going to help produce the show, Keith Blue, made claymation commercials for Noggin. After being one of the most successful things they did so far, he was asked to do a show on the claymation commercials."

"March 11th, 1999

Heard we're filming at the old stage where Double Dare was being filmed."

"March 23rd, 1999

I just want to leave this project right now.

You see, today, I was eating lunch when I saw some sick fucker dragging in Happy's voice actor, Blair Meyes, who was in his late teens, and had a pretty deep voice. We started filming tests like Happy in his van and practicing lines. Then, the guy who dragged Blair in shouted action. A weird country song started playing on the radio in the van. I shouted to the guy who shouted action and dragged Blair "What the fuck did you do to Blair?" He just jumped over a coffee table and (rest of page (and every page except the last is torn off)"

"January 2nd, 2011

I just remembered two things about Happy Appy; its original air dates, and some facts.

The air dates were;

Nick Jr; April 26th, 1999 – June 3rd, 1999 Pre-TV (UK channel); May 16th, 1999 – March 31st, 2000 Brazil (I don't know where in Brazil); November 30th, 1999 – February 1st, 2000.

The facts are;

1. Happy Appy had a scrapped DVD release. 2. The director was tall and mid-weight. 3. He went by the name "Freddy".

This is all I know about the show."

November 1st, 2011

I finally did it. I killed Forenzik. Or, I think I have

I was driving home at midnight, when I saw Forenzik leaving Jim's house. I then drove my car to the garage, and parked it. I then ran in the house, with my switchblade. I looked all around the house, but I couldn't find Jim or Forenzik. I did get a Winchester shotgun from the fireplace. Then I checked in the basement.

I saw Jim's body, hanging from the roof. Below it was a suicide note, saying that he would have died if he had not done that, and that there might be more than one Forenzik. Then I heard Forenzik walk into the house, and I loaded the Winchester.

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