Happy Appy (Pt.2)

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In the episode, a kid was running with a knife facing up, which was fake, and made of rubber, and he got 'cut'. He held his wound, crying. Then, Happy parked his van, and said "Hey kids, this kid should have not carried the knife facing up while running!" However, he did heal him by putting a bandaid over the wound. The kid hugged Happy, and he said "Remember, never run with knifes facing up, or scissors for that matter. Always walk with knives and scissors facing down!" Then, Happy took the kid to his van, and the end played.

Second Post

I have two things to tell you. First, I will make at least 1 post every day, all the way until when I quit the Happy Appy discovery. Second, I'm keeping track of the episodes. Here are my guesses (Note: Anything with parantheses describe the episode better):

Happy's Vacation

Hurt Happy

The Monkey Bar Injury

Happy Goes to School (The one with the math song)

???, title missing

Nate Needs Help! (The Boo-boo episode)

Never Run with Knives

Happy Fixes Kids

??? (Happy Fixes Kids, Part 2?)

Happy Fixes Kids, Part 3

The Two Towers

Happy the Doctor (The one with the green fluid needle, the crashed plane, and Happy's skin peeling off)


Happy's Trick

The Happy Appy Movie, Parts 1 and 2

I know there's 15 episodes mentioned there, but I haven't discovered the other 9 yet when I posted this.

August 18th, 2011Edit

I was on Youtube today, when I came across a Happy Appy video. It was named "The Happy Dance". In it, it showed Happy, moving around like he was breakdancing. The music was slightly distorted, but it had someone making (and failing at) beatbox noises. Accompanying it was some lyrics on how to do the Happy Dance:

Do the Happy Dance!

Jump to the left (x4)

Now jump to the right,

jump to the right (x3)

Now get down, and scoot to your left,

scoot to your left (x3)

Then scoot to your right,

scoot to your right (x3)

Do the Happy Dance!

After that, it said "Watch Happy Appy every day at 8 am!" and then it ended. I know it isn't a new episode, but it's a nice cute thing I saw.

August 19th, 2011

I recently won a bid on eBay. It was a video games bid saying "HAPPY APPY 1990s RARE PROTOTYPE POINT AND CLICK GAME". Since it was about Happy Appy, I had to buy it. After a huge bidding war, which went to 100 dollars, I got the game. It came in a CD, which had a nicely done label on it, and said "Happy Appy and the Quest for the Golden Apple." I decided to use it on Virtual PC, because I didn't have a computer that ran Windows 2000, because it was only compatible with that.

After installing, a icon appeared on the desktop that was Happy Appy's regular face, no death stares and smiles. After clicking it, a program popped up, which took me to a menu. It was a very early alpha menu screen; it had no fancy graphics or anything, just the title and some buttons (plus a copyright) in Comic Sans MS font. I expected that, seeing it never passed as a prototype. At the middle were the buttons NEW GAME, CONTINUE GAME, OPTIONS, and EXIT. Options didn't work, so I hacked the game to find the page for the Options. It was just sound, controls, and brightness: Nothing too serious. So I decided to play it.

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