I Miss When the Shadows Would Only Dance

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--Poetry written by CreepyPastaJr--

I have seen a great deal. Been through quite a lot. May these words, feel. May your hope, not rot.

Experienced much. Suffered even more. Too numb to touch. Eyes fixed on the floor.

Many who ask "Are you alright?"Are always shocked at my reply.I tell them "Look, how they fight!"I point to the floor, where they lie.

This continued for quite a while. Alone in my quest. Until I felt, a sensation beguile. A man sat down, to my detest.

An older man, neat though forsaken. Throned himself beside me."What a play!" He said, he must've been mistaken.He could not see what I see.

I steeled myself, fractured like ice.He simply stared with a grin.I scoffed, I was tired of being nice. Hatred burned within.

He said something, with quite a sigh."The shadows will move if given a chance." I stood up, wiping hate from my eye."I miss when the shadows would only dance."

I left the man, alone at the park. The sun began to fall. I walked a bit faster, watching the dark. All of the shadows, big and small.

The show was starting, worst part of the day. I knew what happened next.The largest shadow stood, the rest backed away. It always leaves me truly vexed.

One by one, they would march out. Neatly in a line. The large one, would thrash about. The small would start to decline.

As I walked, faster they fought. Tearing each other apart. As I ran, colder they wrought. I could feel their pain in my heart.

Finally home, safe and sound. I felt a sudden chill.The light from my room, my heart did pound. This was no simple thrill.

I ran up there past my fear. Not wanting to take a chance. I shut off the light as the shadows leer. Oh..how I miss when the shadows would only dance.

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