Chapter 6

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James POV

Schizophrenia. That's what I have.

"Ok Mr.Rivers, here is your medicine make sure you take it responsible we don't want a incident like last time, now do we?" my doctor asked.

"Don't take it. Push the doctor. He's trying to poison you. Don't take it," my inner voice encourage me.

I of course knew that the voice was lying, but for some reason I listened. But I just didn't pushed the doctor I fought the doctor. Pinch after punch, kick after kick, slap after slap. I didn't stop until a few security officers pulled me off of him.

Jail a familiar place that I've been to. I didn't give any my father's name or number, so that they wouldn't contact him. It's a good thing that I went to the hospital when he was asleep so he couldn't ask any questions, go with me or worry that I had been out to long.

"One phone call that's all I'm giving you," the elder officer says.

"All the numbers I have is in my cell phone," I replied.

"Who do you want to call then?" the officer asked strolling through my phone. "Dad or Miley?"

Thank goodness my dad have me my babysitter's number.

"Uh Miley."

The officer have me her number, without giving me my phone and I dialed it in the payphone that they have.

"What?" she anwsered angrily.

"Woah what crawled up your butt?"

"Wait, James?"

"Yeah I need your help."

"What do you need help with?" she signed.

"I need you to get me out of prison."

"Why are you in prison?"

"I'll tell you later just get me out, I'll pay you back."

"Fine I'm on my way. The city one right?"


"Ok I'm coming."

After I hunged up and waited.

"Don't fall for her. She will break you. Watch. Then you will look like a idiot," my inner voice commented.

I ignored it. Twenty minutes later I hear the door open and a high-like voice say my name.
Well here we go.
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Next chapter comes tomorrow.

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