Although We're Miles Apart - Larry Stylinson AU One Shot

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[A/N]: Hopefully I can make this go where it's supposed to go. Mah Uma Cauda Finna showed me a thing related to what this fic is about on tumblr and I had to try and write it xD I feel like I probably don't have to mention it, but I will anyway because YOLO and all that shit. Football = Soccer. And I apologise if my football (soccer) positionings are horribly incorrect because I've played ever since I was younger, but I'm American. And... yeah.

It was probably silly for them to fall in love. Famous musician Harry Styles, the boy who would sooner trip over air than kick a ball into a net, falling in love with glorious football star Louis Tomlinson. The two had met at a New Years Eve party held by one of Louis' teammates, Niall Horan. Harry hadn't even officially been invited to said party, but his model friend Zayn Malik had. Zayn knew Niall, and Zayn dragged Harry along for company since Harry was on break from tour. 

However, Zayn had ditched Harry the moment he had spotted the swift blonde defender, leaving Harry to walk awkwardly around the party. Loads of people knew who he was, he just didn't quite know who they were. Until he spotted Louis. He definitely recognised Louis. Manchester United's forward, and a damn good forward at that. Harry had been open to the public about his sexuality the moment he had started his music career. He was absolutely certain that he was gay, and at the sight of Louis he was simply reminded all over again. The boy was fit. 

The brown, feathery haired lad was talking to a nice looking lad, a sort of quiff on the top of his head whilst the rest of his hair was shorter. Harry thought he recognised him as the on and off goal keeper Liam Payne. 

The curly haired lad built up the courage to approach them, and once he had, the two other boys had turned to him in surprise. Green eyes had met blue eyes, and then Louis' face lit up, "Hey! Aren't you Harry Styles?" 

"Depends," Harry grinned shyly. "Aren't you Louis Tomlinson?" 

"The only way you'd know that was if you were a fan of football," Louis' smile widened. "Are you?" 

"I watch, every now and then," Harry shrugged. "But anyone would know who you are. But... yeah. The Red Devils. Woo." 

"So enthusiastic!" Louis laughed jokingly. "Man after my own heart."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go... talk to someone, I don't know," the boy who had previously been talking to Louis scratched his head nervously. "Nice to meet you, Harry Styles." 

"Nice to meet you, too..." Harry paused for a moment, terrified to be wrong but wanting to give it a shot. "Liam Payne?" 

The boy obviously brightened, reminding Harry slightly of a puppy who had just been given praise. Liam nodded patting Harry and Louis on the shoulder as he departed. Louis chuckled at him, "He's quite good at goal keeper, I don't know why he thinks people won't realise that." 

"He is," Harry agreed. "Far better than what I can do." 

"What can you do?" Louis looked curious now. "You play?"

"Oh no!" Harry held up his hands quickly. "Football isn't for me."

Louis waved his hand, "Eh, you sing. I'd probably feel threatened if you played football, because with legs like those, I bet you can move."

Harry blushed, glancing down as he thought to himself, "He's looking at my legs...

Harry suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a very thick Irish accent slur, "S'cuse me, mate."

Niall Horan had sidled in front of him, seemingly under the influence of alcohol. Harry himself had yet to drink anything, but as he watched Niall he almost felt sorry for the hangover he knew the boy would be nursing the next day. 

Although We're Miles Apart - Larry Stylinson AU One ShotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora