Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

I groaned and searched the bed with my hands, finding nothing. "Lou?" I sat up, rubbing my eyes and trying to adjust to the bright room. "Louis?" I got out the bed, only to shiver from the cold breeze. I looked down to see I was naked and frowned. I went to sleep in my boxers...where are the- oh, there they are...why are they on Louis' dresser? Where is Louis? I pulled my clothes on and walked out the room. "Lou?" The flat is completely empty. He wanted me to stay, so where is he? I got my phone and rang Niall, getting his voice mail every time. I tried Zayn and Liam, Liam didn't answer so I tried Zayn again.


"Hey Zayn it's Harry-" beeping interrupted me and I frowned at my phone. Why is everyone avoiding me? I parked in Niall's driveway and knocked on the door, waiting impatiently. Zayn opened the door and stepped out, quickly closing it behind him.

"Zayn wha-"

"You shouldn't be here". I frowned at him.

"What do you mean? I'm just looking for Lou, have you seen him?"

"Yeah I have".

"Well, where?"

"I think you should go". I quickly ran around him, opening the door and barging in.

"Louis!? Lou!?"


"I couldn't stop him!"

"My god". Niall groaned. He glared at me.

"What? I'm just looking for Louis?"

"You need to go Harry".

"Why? Why is everyone avoiding me?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what!?"

"Harry...Louis doesn't want you here".

"What? Why?"

"Harry you should go".

"I'm not leaving until I see Louis". I walked around Niall to see Louis curled up on the couch, a blanket around him and tears streaming down his pale face. "Louis?" He looked frozen, like he hadn't moved for hours. He just blankly stared ahead of him, blinking the tears down his cheeks. "Lou? What's wrong?"

"Harry, I'm asking you to please leave".

"What's wrong!? What did I do!?" I let tears fall as I begged Niall to tell me.

" raped him Harry". I slapped my hand over my mouth, choking on a sob. I shook my head, looking back to Louis. "He was bleeding. He can barely walk".


"He told you to stop. But you didn't. Harry, please go, give him space".

Louis' POV

I listened as Zayn led Harry out the front door and the couch dipped beside me. "Are you okay?" I looked to Niall and shook my head. He pulled me into a tight hug and I sobbed again. "It's over now. You won't be hurt again".

"Why are you THIS mad at Harry anyway? Like yes doing this was bad but so bad that we'd be treating him like this.." Liam frowned, making quite a valid point being in his point of view. Liam doesn't know.

"Louis? Can I tell him?" I hesitated but nodded. "Liam, remember that murder? Where only the boy.."

"Lived? Yeah..oh!"

"He's the.." I regonised as Zayn.

"Yes. I'm the 11 year old boy who's family was murdered in front of him and was raped by the killer". I said blandly, earning shocked looks from all the boys.

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