Chapter 7

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Warning: contains self harm

Harry's POV

"So, where are you taking Louis!?"

"I've planned the whole night out.."

"I still don't know why you're taking him out.." I glared at Zayn from across the lunch table.

"I'm taking him out because I like him".

"And what is it that you like exactly?" I started thinking. "Ha! See, there's nothing to like, he's a freak". I looked up to see Louis standing there with glassy eyes and shock crossed over his face. He started running away from the table. "Freak". I walked over to Zayn and punched him, turning to run after Louis. I found him sitting against the brick wall of the back of the school and sat next to him.

"Louis.." He didn't look up to me. "You're not a freak". He shook his head and I sighed. "If anyone is the freak, it's me". He looked at me, wiping his eyes and frowning slightly. "I have a past Louis. And I know things happened to you. I know something happened. But things happened with me too". I pulled my sleeve up and faced my arm upwards. Louis' eyes widened and he traced my arm lightly, a small frown etched on his face. "There was this guy. I really liked him. Like, I'd follow him around everywhere he went, do anything he'd want me to just so I could be near him. He was caring. Just that amazing guy, you know? He asked me to be his boyfriend and of course I said yes. After around a month, he started hitting me. If anything went wrong, it'd be me at fault. The school didn't know about us, so to keep it hidden, he teased me, made rumours, laughed with his friends at me. I thought I loved him, so I'd accept his apology every day. His hitting grew, and I started to cut my arms. Because I thought that all I did was screw things up. That everything was my fault. So I punished myself. I found him in bed with another guy and broke it off with him. But I'm still that freak that cut my arms. I moved schools afterwards. When my mum found out. Then one year later we moved here".

"I'm sorry. But I can't tell you". I frowned at him.

"Tell me what?"

"Oh, nothing". I rested my arm around his shoulders and rested my forehead against his, looking into his eyes. I softly kissed him and he didn't hesitate to kiss back. It stayed slow and passionate until the bell rang, breaking us apart. "W-where are we going today?" I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Surprise". He pouted and I chuckled. "Come on, we have English". I stood up and held my hand out. He grabbed it and I helped him stand, pulling him back into the school. I pulled my sleeve down and we went to his then my locker, walking in the class. Everyone stared at us as we sat down next to each other.

"I don't know if I like this attention". Louis muttered quietly.

"They're just jealous".

"Of what?"

"That I have you". I looked to him and saw the tint of red creeping to his cheeks.

"Not yet. We haven't had our first date".

"Does that mean you'll be mine by the end of today?"


"On what?"

"How well you plan the date".

"Oh I'll plan it well".

"Better be good Styles".

"Oh it'll be good Tomlinson".

"Styles! Tomlinson! Stop talking or I'll separate you!" I heard her mutter something along the lines of 'never thought I'd be saying that' and I chuckled.

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