Chapter 3

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Louis' POV

"Louis look at me". There was another scream that came from down stairs. My breathing quickened. "Boobear. Look at me baby". I looked back to mum, knowing fear was filled in my eyes. "Hide boo. Hide. Be safe". I ran into a room, getting under the bed and was startled from a scream. Mum's scream. "He's not here!! He's not home! Why are you doing this? No. please. don't". There was the sound of blood splattering all over the walls of the hallway and I curled up, bringing my knees to my chest. I spotted Mum's phone and got out to grab it quickly, getting back under the bed. I dialled the number.

"Hello would you like ambulance, police or fire services?"

"I don't know, please help". My voice came out as a squeak but fear written all over it.

"What's the problem sir?"

"There is someone here. They are killing my family".

"Okay. Please tell me your address. It's okay, what's your name?"

"I...I don't know my address". I was on the edge of bursting into tears.

"It's okay. We're going to help you. What's your name sweetie?"

"Louis Tomlinson".

"Where are you boy? I'm going to find you!" I jumped slightly.

"Help". I breathed out before quickly hanging up.


I jumped up, looking around my environment, breathing out a sigh of relief. I'm not there. I'm in my room, just sleeping. It's fine. I looked over to the clock to see it's 7 am. With a groan, I sit up, running my hands through my hair. When did I go to bed? I remember walking home with...with...Harry. That's it. And then I saw Lottie. But what happened after that? Oh, I talked. I said bye, yeah? And then Harry.....what did Harry do? He has those eyes. They scare me. But Lottie said he's nice. To get to know him. Talk to him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad?

"Louis!" I jumped and looked to see Daisy and Phoebe. "We need you to do something". I looked at them, shocked that I can see them sitting on my bed right now. I haven't seen them since. Only their grave. They looked at me, expecting me to talk.

"What?" It came out as more of a whisper but their smiles widened.

"Talk to Harry". They both crossed their arms over their chests.

"I did!" I retorted.

"Not just one word then stumbling away! SPEAK!"

"I can't".

"He's not coming Lou. He doesn't know where you are. He's in jail. You won't be seeing him again. Talk". They started to disappear and I panicked. They can't leave me again.

"No! Come back! Don't leave me!"

"You have Harry". It came out as an echo and the room went silent. Stumbling back? What do they mean? I closed my eyes, trying hard to remember.


"Bye" Harry looked at me with wide eyes,

"Did you just....I heard a...." I instantly regretted ever speaking as he walked towards me. I stepped back, trying not to fall over. "Louis? Are you okay?" He stepped closer and I stepped back. Go away! Leave me alone! Don't hurt me! I wanted to scream but I couldn't bring myself to talk again. I stumbled back, hitting something hard with my head and everything went black.

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