01: Remembered.

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Goodbye mom.



I wandered aimlessly through the streets as I tried my best to ignore everyone around me. It was a decade since my mom had passed and I came back to town to visit her grave. I was still about ten years younger than she was when she died. I was now 74 stuck in my nineteen year old physique. I had come across creatures like me. Some I had met were kind and sweet. Not all were nomads such as I, there were covens of vampires who lived together. I found it to be sweet they started their own family in a sense, but I don't think I could ever see myself in one. Or I just haven't found the right type of people I wanted to live my life with.

I ran my fingers through my dark hair and ignored sensation that burned my throat. I couldn't feed in my town. It was too risky, the sun was still up. I would have to travel a few towns away and hopefully then, it would be dark. I had to keep a slow, humanly pace as I walked through the crowd. I threw the hood back over my head to block the sunlight from me. I was oddly dissatisfied when I discovered that I sparkled on the sunlight. Of all the things I could've done in the sun. I've read books like Dracula. Why couldn't I burn to ashes in the sunlight? The breeze blew and a scent caught my attention. There was no doubt my scent was detected through the crowds of people as well. The only thing is, this scent almost seemed... familiar.

I followed the scent as I weaved through the people with ease. Who could it have been? It wasn't anyone I met along the way because I would've been able to recognize it right away. I had a good way of putting a name to a scent. But it seemed the second I drew closer, the scent ran further away. It wanted to lead me away from the people and deep into a clearing in the woods. I trekked into woods until we were far from the town.

"Who's there?" His voice boomed. It faintly sounded familiar. Who was this? His back was turned to me from the tree I hid behind. I stepped from behind the bark and ran in front of him. "Sage?"


Emmett had been part of my human life but only briefly. He still had the same handsome features and the same muscular body. I was 17 at the time and fell in love with everything about him. And he seemed to love me right back. We had grown up in Tennessee together. I had met his younger sister first, Annette. She had been the same age as one of my cousins. So one day when she had a play date with them, I had watched them and she had taken an extreme liking to me. I took the liberty to walk her home when her older brother hadn't picked her up. Turns out it had been Emmett who had to pick her up but he was held back at work. We were 16 when we first met, and for the first six months, it was typical teenage crush turned into first love. Then my accident occurred and I hid myself away.

"Sage you're–" Emmett was at a loss for words. I'm sure he hadn't been expecting to see the girl whose virginity he took all those decades ago. The girl who had been presumed dead then slowly forgotten. "As beautiful as I remembered you." His voice softened and he reached out to pull some hair from my face. I let him touch me. He was the first familiar and friendly face I had seen in almost a century. It reassured me. I didn't know how he felt. What if he had hated me? I wasn't sure about the type of pain I had put him through. We had loved each other once upon a time.

"You're..." I hadn't spoken to anyone in awhile. I mainly kept to myself so I surprised myself with my own voice. I forget how unintentionally sultry it always is. "When did this happen?" I frowned I knew what I had went through. And to know he had gone through the same thing broke me.

"1935." It had been a year after I had turned. Where had he gone? Who had turned him? "So this is what happened to you then? Back in... back when I thought you died?" He frowned. "We were worried for months, your mom and I." I apologized. "No. Don't." He shook his head. He knew. We both went through what happened and he understood. We left it at that. I asked why his eyes were a golden color.

"I feed differently." He explained how he drinks animal blood instead of human. I grimaced at the thought. That couldn't possibly have been completely satisfying could it? "Do you...?" I shook my head. He took notice to my black eyes and said I should give it a try. I told him one day but I couldn't afford to try today. I hadn't eaten in days. An animal wasn't going to satisfy me. "Sage." He placed his hands on my shoulders. "I loved you. I cared about you and I'm kinda happy I got an answer to those questions from years ago." We had been every each other's firsts for everything. "I went crazy you know." He chuckled and recalled the memories. "You know I had search parties. I know how badly you loved to trek into the woods and I figured hey, maybe you got lost. At first it was just to look for you. But then days passed and we grew worried." He probably had all his older brothers gathered to help find me. "Then the sherif found your shirt tattered and bloody by the river–" I asked him to stop. I couldn't hear it anymore.

It was silent. There was a look of pain in his eyes. I didn't even want to think about how he felt. I can't. I put him and his family through so much. His sister. Oh god his sister must've been miserable. The guilt washed over me once again and there was a heavy tug in my chest. Emmett offered for me to come meet his family, his coven. I politely declined and said I wasn't ready for something like that.

"It's the tenth anniversary of my mom's passing." I mumbled, but of course he heard. He quieted down after that. My mother had loved him. She adored him so much she let him sleep over the house and they even cooked together and hung out while I had been away. "I'm going to visit her grave. And I should be heading back." The sun was about to set.

"I'm coming with you." It was more of statement which meant I couldn't turn him away. Besides I think mom would've liked for him to stop by. We spoke very little on the run to the cemetery. It was fine, something told me I would be seeing him again. I had stopped to buy flowers for her, and Emmett had done the same. The visit didn't take too long either. He asked how she passed and I answered old age. I asked if he had a mate and he answer Rosalie. I congratulated him. At least he didn't have to spend eternity alone. He deserved it.

Maybe some day I could find one as well.

(A/N: Hi guys, tell me what you think. I've been writing so much and I'm getting bored of just storing them up. So I've been posting a couple chapters! Enjoy :)

Alone Together (Jasper Hale)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang