"I don't know what love is." I blatantly replied, mesmerized by the way his lips moved as he spoke. Before a mistake could happen Seth barged in. Embry and I scrambled to tear apart and grab whatever was left to put on the kitchen table. Seth commented on how wonderful it smelled in the kitchen. With that all the other guys came in to see what we had prepared. We made the dining table like a buffet. All the pasta was on one side with the plates and utensils, and the sauce was on bowls to the side with the serving spoons and tongs. The garlic bread was by the plates. Though these guys looked like they could all devour a cow at this very moment they were patient as we finished setting everything up. "Dig in!" Was all I needed to say before the guys each grabbed a plate. It was like watching a tv show because as soon as they got the plate, they each filled it up to the very edge with food. I'm surprised the girls had some left to eat. Embry handed me a plate filled with pasta and a piece of garlic bread. "Thank you." I took it from him and we took a seat side by side on the island while everyone retreated back to the living room. Before I forgot I texted back Stephan and told him I was having dinner at the moment and I was happy he got there safely. After that I put my phone to the side and focused on the guy next to me. I couldn't help but feel connected to this guy. And it was crazy. I just met him but why did I feel as strongly as I did with him?

"So you don't know what love is?" Embry brought up after a moment's silence.

"Not entirely at least. I haven't experienced it myself." I shrugged my shoulders as I picked at my food. There were too many butterflies in my stomach to be able to swallow down this food. "I thought I saw it with my parents but they divorced. So I'm not sure if love is even everlasting." Something told me just be honest with him. It would normally take much longer for me to open up to people but with him, it was a different story. We got to know each other, we spent the time talking and laughing and if there was any silence, it was still comfortable. I found out he was an only child, only had a mother, and everyone in the next room were like his extended family. I found out he loved movies just as much as I did, and rainy days, and lots of walking. He told me he liked to do adventurous things like cliff diving and I told him he had to take me one day. It seemed extremely dangerous but how many people can say they've cliff dived before? Maybe a lot and I wanted to be added into that list. I didn't even realize how much time went by as I had gotten to know him and vice versa. To put it into perspective, it was still bright as day when we started talking, it was now pitch black, and that's how I realized it had gotten late. I was about to grab our plates before I realized our part of the island was clean. Frankly everything else in the entire kitchen was clean. The dishes were washed and dried and put back in place. The dining table looked as if it hadn't been touched. And from my view of the living room, it looked completely empty. When did all that happened? I could've sworn I was talking to him for ten minutes. Maybe fifteen at the most. I checked my phone and saw I had missed calls from Stephan and my parents. The time is what surprised me the most, it was 9:30. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. How did the time go by that quickly?

"I'm sorry." Embry scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "I thought you knew how late it was. I feel like I've overstayed my welcome." He was about to get up but I placed my hand on his leg and almost pushed him back down. I felt that shock again just by touching him. I told him I was baffled at how quickly the time flew by. "I swear you knew, Alexis even said good night to you." Right. It was past 9:00 and she usually went to bed early because of soccer practice before the break of dawn. Which meant I probably had to wake up early for her. I scanned my phone again and read that Alexis usually got a ride from another soccer player every morning so I didn't need to worry. I sighed in relief. I was barely a morning person. "I should get going though, my mom might be worried. Unless one of the guys told her." He shrugged his shoulders. "Thank you for having me over." He was by the door as he said this. I was still zoned out trying to figure out where the time went.

"Wait where do you think you're going!" Half my attention was towards him, and towards Stephan who was currently getting an apology text from me. Along with a lie saying how Alexis and I were catching up the entire time and we lost track of time. Also that I was heading to bed even though he was most likely sleeping as well. Once I finished my business, I left my phone on the counter and caught him just as he was almost out down the driveway. And I had a really long driveway. "Embry!" The way his name rolled off my tongue was like butter on a roll. Smooth. It felt so smooth to say. "Let me give you a ride home. It's late, and dark, and I can't let you just go home this way." I practically pleaded. It wasn't like I was opposed to spending a bit more time than him.

"It's fine I already trou–" He stopped short when I pressed the button for an automatic start for my car. The engine roared and drowned out his voice. I opened the door to my Jeep for him and gave him smile. He scratched the back of his head, looked down, and chuckled. God that was adorable. He looked back up and smiled and gave into me. He climbed into the car and closed the door behind him, I followed suit.

"Where do you live?" I asked him as I backed out the driveway. He gave me his address and I put it on the GPS on my car. "I can't believe you thought I was about to let you walk into the night. Alone. This late."

"I told you I liked walks."

"Yeah sure, definitely. Me too but in broad daylight or at least not have it pitch black." There were barely any street lights in this neighborhood.

"I could've managed."

"I wouldn't even know if you got home safely. You could've died on the way. Oh you know, trip over some rock and fall into a ditch." Embry chuckled at the scenario.

"Well you're just going to have to get my number if you wanted to know if I got home safe." I felt around my pockets to try and find my phone. I started freaking out before I remembered I left it at home. "Or I'll take down yours." He whipped out his. "I need a contact picture. I have one with everyone."

"Wait no-" The flash went off and I tried to cover my face. "At least wait until we get to your house so we can take one together!" I exclaimed in embarrassment. I looked horrible on the side. Embry laughed and said okay but he was keeping the one he just took. The moment we got to his driveway, I leaned closer to him to get a picture. His porch light came on so he had the front camera facing us. He snapped a few and I couldn't deny how cute we had looked. "Oh you should send those to me." I smiled as I scrolled through them. "What day is it?" I asked him before he could leave. He replied it was Friday. "They still have practice on Saturday? The soccer team I meant." He explained that Sundays were the only days the sports teams never practiced. "Oh how fun." Sarcasm laced my voice.

"I forgot to ask if you're attending La Push with us." He inquired. I didn't think our night was over just yet.


"You don't sound too excited. Then again it is school."

"My credits didn't transfer properly. So it's like I'm held back. Well I was towards the end of my junior year before I dropped out to help my dad so I have to retake my junior year." I admitted. It wasn't like I failed, I just couldn't take care of my dad and two jobs along with school. "So technically I should be enrolled as a senior but since I didn't complete it, I have to start and finish here."

"That kinda blows."

"Why kinda?"

"I mean I'm a junior now so I'll be able to have class with you. Maybe."

"I'll send you my schedule when I find it. It's somewhere in my mess of a room."

"If you need help just let me know. I'm free all day tomorrow." I told him I wouldn't want to bother him but I would appreciate it. I could vaguely remember that Alex's soccer practices usually ends late and she knew how sociable she would be so she would probably be out with her friends. Something seemed to have distracted Embry for s brief moment. "Alright, as much as I would love to talk all night. I'm seeing you tomorrow. So I want you to get some rest." I was somewhat sad to end the night but I realized it was getting late and about another hour already passed. "Goodnight... Tristan."

"Goodnight Embry."

End of Time (Embry Call)Where stories live. Discover now