A/N One

96 4 2

Haiya, incrediblyingenious here!
So, how are you lot enjoying this story so far? I do hope you like it. I wouldn't want to write something if it isn't interesting.
Wow, that last chapter, huh? Section two had about 1000 more words than section one. Crazy, right?

Anyways, it's 3:00 am exactly, and I just updated section two, and I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I know it took me a couple days to update, and I'm very sorry about that. There is no acceptable excuse for not updating as soon as possible. Though, I was at my step-family's visiting my little half siblings, since I didn't see them during Christmas.

Also, I actually went out of the house and went to the mall with my step-sister. Weird, right? I hate going out in public, as people kind of freak me out. BUT, on the bright side, I got some kick-ass black combat boots! Hell yeah, look who's stylish now, mothafuckas! *grows falcon wings and poses for Vogue*

Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this story so far, and don't forget to comment any opinions. Any opinions and criticism are welcome! Whether you hate it, are indifferent, or love it to pieces, this story is going to be greatly influenced by your criticism. So fire some shots at me if you wanna! (Not literally, that'd make me sad).

Bye!~ Ingenious xx

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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