Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Don't you think it's a little weird?" Jenny whispered as we made our way through the busy mall. She'd been trying to bring Luke up all day.

"What's weird Jenny?" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"It's been three months and he hasn't called you. Do you guys even talk?" She asked. Why was she being all quiet and secretive about it?

"Don't you realize that it's kind of over? I mean, we 'take a break' from a bad relationship and we haven't talked since. We're obviously not getting back together"

It didn't even feel weird. I liked to think of our situation as black mail. Luke knew I'd feel bad because he 'loved me' and then I'd be in a relationship with him.

But that was just the bitchy side of me thinking.

The other part of me that favored reality rather than make believe crap, knew that we both loved each other but weren't really working out.

But seriously, it's kind of hard to fall in love with a guy and stay that way after he made your life hell for a few months.

We were not in elementary you can't torture a girl because you like her.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and my heart skipped a beat slightly as I silently hope it'd be him.

"Hey tells" I sighed, transferring my shopping bags to my other hand so I could hold my phone correctly.

"Hey. How are you?" He asked. Wherever he was, it sounded quiet.

"I'm fine, it's really hot, but I'm fine" I mumbled.

Jenny was off in some scary store with sexy bras and stuff and I sat down on a bench to wait for her.

"Well, we're playing a few shows in the area, why don't you come down to one?"

"I'm not so sure th-"

"Great, I'll send one of the guys to drop some passes off. See you Thursday" he chirped, hanging up.

I grumbled silently until Jenny came out of the store with two pink bags. My hands were shaking and my jaw was clenched, I wasn't sad or hurt. I was angry.

I didn't want to see Luke. Or anyone for that matter. I wanted to live a normal adult life where I didn't have to worry about my boyfriend, who was across the world, cheating on me. I didn't have to worry about getting attached to people anymore.

My family was all that I needed. I could live without a boyfriend until I met the right guy.

Jenny handed me a bag and I gave her a look, she didn't really want me to hold this right?

She chuckled and shook her head, "I bought it for you"

I rolled my eyes and sorted through the tissue paper on the bag, pulling out a two piece bathing suit.

"Jen, you know I don't wear stuff like this" I grumbled, "but thanks"

"You're welcome, but the concerts near the beach and I wanted to have some fun with you, because... You're my friend and I like to see you happy"

"You knew about the show?" I grumbled.

She nodded and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

Yeah, I loved her. Whatever.


"Jenny!" I screeched as she lightly tapped the bumper of the car in our driveway with her car. "You don't even know who's car that is! What if it's a secret agent or something"

Battle Royale {Luke Holland}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt