Chapter 5

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I walked onto the bus with Telle, and Dan was sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of coffee that I'd made him well over an hour ago.

"What happened to your hands?" Danny asked.

Luke appeared in front of me and gave me a look. "I thought I told you to leave it alone" he grumbled.

Telle gave him a look and he backed off a bit.

"I clean up your messes remember?" I asked, pushing him out of my way.

Once I was in the bathroom cleaning myself up I stared at myself in the mirror and tried to figure out why Luke didn't like me.

I was through with his bullshit and I just wanted to know why he hated me so much.

I wasn't ugly. I wasn't mean. I'm not a whore. So what the fuck is wrong with me?

All the guys were exactly where I wanted them to be, sitting together in the lounge room.

"I have a few things to say" I whispered, sitting next to Danny.

Telle gave me a look, but I'd already explained to him how I wasn't going to be able to enjoy myself with Luke there.

Everyone just stared at me. Luke was curled into a ball in the corner.

His green eyes were piercing through me because well, he was staring straight at me.

It was kind of uncomfortable.

"I'm leaving"

"What why?" Zach asked. His blonde hair was sticking up in random places and I almost laughed.

"Since we don't have a show tomorrow I'm going to go. I'm sure you can borrow someone until you find a new sound tech" I said quietly.

"You never said why..." Danny said.

"I'm having personal issues that can't be solved unless I get the hell away from the one who's causing these issues" I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Do you have a boyfriend I don't know about" Danny joked.

"Yeah, right" I scoffed.

"I know we're just on tour here, but it was really great getting to know you all. So thank you" I said, squeezing Danny's shoulder as I walked to my bunk.

I closed the curtain on my bunk and kicked the duffel bag that was resting at my feet. Not a lot had to be packed. And I was aiming to get the hell out of there.


The next morning, saying goodbye to them all was the hardest thing ever. Especially Telle. He was my big brother.

The taxi was going to be here shortly and the guys were probably too depressed to see me leave so I sat on my duffel bag outside, texting my mom, telling her how I was going to be home in a few hours.

I heard the bus door open and Luke was cussing someone out.

I turned around to see Zack pushing Luke out of the open doorway.

The bus door was slammed shut and Luke made his way over to me.

I stood up and he gave me a little wave.

Luke shoved his hands in his pockets and I went to pick up my bag.

"Let me g-"

I smacked his hand away as he reached for my duffel. "Thanks but no thanks. I don't need your sympathy now that I'm fucking leaving"

He bit his lip and rocked back on his heels. "Okay um... I'm sorry for everything that I've done. I'm not good at being honest with myself or with anyone in particular. I am really good at mixing up my feelings and I'm not good with girls"

"What are you talking about Luke?" I sighed, getting tired with this.

He looked behind him at the tinted window of the bus and behind me where other buses were.

Before I could even register what the hell the idiot was doing, he got down on one knee and grabbed my hands.

"Sel I'm head over heels in love with you. And I know that was really gay and I'm a fucked up asshole that probably ruined your life, but now that you're leaving I wanted to tell you"

I pulled my hands back and leaned down, "So you're telling me that the reason you've bullshited me across the universe is because you love me?"

He stood up and looked down. "I don't want you to leave" he sighed.

"You're making my life so fucking hard" I said, wiping my eyes with my sleeves.

"I know. And I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, I-I promise. Just.. Don't leave me Sel"

I shook my head and looked towards the taxi that had just pulled up.

"Fuck..." I grumbled.

I looked back at Luke and he was watching me with anticipation in his eyes.

"I can't" I shrugged.

So I shoved my bags into the taxi and left to get on the next flight to Arizona.


I stared up at the ceiling and my apartment felt smaller than usual.

There was a hole in my heart and it hurt to breathe.

I guess you can't put me as number one on the bitch list for leaving like that.

He fucking loves me. LOVES!

I mean there was a slim chance in the beginning that all that snappiness and rudeness, was caused by a developing crush.

But come one.

And wasn't he talking to his girlfriend on the phone that one time?

Or was it the stupid guys trying to make me 'jealous'?

Whatever. I was pretty much done and wanted to go drown myself in the desert.

If possible...

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