Chapter 4

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I stared at Luke with red cheeks as he stood in my doorway. My moms eyes were bugging out of her head and he was just so... Cute ugh.

"I um... The guys... Happy birthday" he said.

"Thanks" I nodded.

He cleared his throat and looked over at my mom, waving at her.

"I'm Luke. I work with Selene" he said.

I was sitting in a puddle of drool when I heard footsteps and Zack, Dan, and Telle appeared behind Luke.

"Telle!!" I screeched jumping into his arms.

He hugged me and I was almost crying.

"You drove out here?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's not that far. And I wanted to see my little sister for her birthday. Tony couldn't make it. Sorry" he said.

I shook my head and went on to hug Dan. I almost kissed him. Which would have been odd. Oops.

"Dragon daddy!" I laughed, hugging Zack who looked like a giant compared to me.

After the guys were introduced to my mom, and Telle charmed her to the point where she could hardly speak, she invited them out for lunch.

Since breakfast time was long gone.

My stomach and grumbling and I was going to pass out if I didn't eat sooner or later.

We all hoped into my moms truck and went on to wherever she planned on going.

When we pulled up at Applebee's, the waiter got us a large booth and I was shoved in next to Luke.

Luckily I was sitting at the end so... Swag.

The waiter was nice. Maybe a little too nice. All the guys were glaring daggers at him.

"What can I get you sweetheart?" He asked, bending over, his face level with mine.

I felt Luke's arm wrap around my shoulder and he pulled me back.

"Um no..." He said.

The waiter looked up at him with a puzzled look and so did I.

"I don't like the way you're talking to her" Luke shrugged.

"I didn't mean-"

"No. I know exactly what you meant. So why don't you take your notepad pen scribbling ass somewhere else before I beat you with a drumstick. Good?"

The waiter walked away and I smacked Luke's arm.

"Stop being weird"

"I'm just looking out for you Sel"

"Do that when were on tour. When I need you to" I whispered.  

Luke's POV  

I don't understand why we have to tour during the hottest months of the year.

I was sweating my ass off at a meet and greet and Sel was behind me at the merch table helping our stupid merch girl sell stuff.

I don't know why they would give us such a stupid merch girl. We didn't get to pick her like we picked Sel.

Me and Sel actually showed up around the same time. In early march.

We were both from Arizona too.

Danny, who was too busy to make it to the signing, ran over with his Bass and was complaining to her about how he couldn't tune it.

Sel laughed and they walked away together.

I think she liked him. Or they liked each other.

They were always together, and talking. And laughing. And being immature. And hugging. And... Ugh.

After our show I crashed into bed while the guys said we'd be parked all night and not leaving until the next afternoon.

At around 12am I woke up and got up. Danny and Sel weren't in their bunks and I rolled my eyes, before heading out to fix the gear.

I stepped into the trailer and started to fix some stuff.

I heard footsteps and stopped what I was doing.

Sel walked by, helping Danny who was too drunk to walk at the moment. They were talking and I strained to hear.

"Just because she was hot doesn't mean she's a nice person Dan Dan" she said softly.

"You're a nice person"

"I know. But people don't see that. They like to judge books by their covers" she said. They were standing right outside the trailer. If I made a sound they'd know I was there.

"Well maybe they are too stupid to read? Right" Danny laughed in a drunken slur.

She laughed and I could hear the keys on her bet jingle. "Let's get you to bed Spider-Man"

"Luke likes you" Danny blurted.

I wanted to shove a drumstick through his head so bad at that moment.

"He has a girlfriend. And I'm not pretty enough so..." The rest I couldn't hear and then the bus door closed.

Yeah right.

About 10 minutes later I was sitting with my back against the trailer wall when the trailer shook under another persons weight.

I saw her silhouette in the moonlight and stood up silently.

"I knew you'd be in here" she said.

Her eyes locked on mine and it was a stare off until I looked away, not being able to handle it.

"Do you ever feel like you shouldn't be doing this?" I asked, my voice sounding weirder than usual.

"Nope. Music is my life. I wouldn't be anywhere without it"

"You should try"

"Maybe you should try to not be an asshole" she hissed.

I laughed humorlessly. "I'm an asshole? I do this to change people's lives. What the fuck do you do?"

Nice? How could Danny think she was nice.

"You're egoistic and incompetent"

"How the hell can you call me incompetent?" I asked. "I get up and play for a thousand kids each day. You sit here and do nothing!"

"Nothing?! Really Luke. If what I do is nothing, then I guess I don't have to help you sound good every night when you 'change people's lives'" she mocked.

"You're such a fucking bitch!"

"Fuck you Holland"

I kicked the thing nearest to me and Selene flinched as I looked down.

"Fuck" she groaned, leaving the trailer.

Selene's POV  

It was really late. And I was trying to fix the rip in Luke's drumhead.

That'd already resulted in many cuts on my hands and the tears kept pouring out.

The trailer jerked softy and someone sat next to me.

I kept my head down, using my hair as a curtain.

I sniffled and looked down at my bleeding hands.

"Sel..." He touched my shoulder and I looked up, meeting Telle's green eyes.

"I'm going to quit" I sniffled.

"Sel..." He whispered again.

"I can't do this anymore. He's ruining my life"

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