Battle Royale {Luke Holland}

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Luke's POV  

"Selene!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I knew she would be pissed off, but hey, I was practicing on a huge stage and I felt like yelling.

She walked by and snatched the broken sticks out of my hands. "Break another stick Holland, and I will break every single one of your fingers" she threatened.

"You have anger issues" I teased.

"Well you have stupidity issues" she grumbled, walking away.

Right before she left I swear I heard her call me a 'fucking twat'

Yeah she hated me.

Selene's POV  

I hate Luke so much. So freaking much. He may have the looks equivalent to a goddamn Greek god, but he was such a pain in the ass.

I've only had this job for a few months. Pre tour and then a long road ahead. Today was their first show and they were playing with escape the fate. At least they weren't headlining. Or that'd be a much bigger tour and ugh. More work

Anyways, I love the guys. They're all super nice and Tyler is a babe, but Luke and I have some problems.

I just can't stand him. And he does everything in the world to piss me off.

When I got a job as their sound manager, I was so freaking excited. Until I met Luke.

Who was constantly breaking this and breaking that, arguing with me, and just messing around.

He was young so I guess that's what he did. I was only 18 myself but come on, I was more mature.

"Hey!" Luke said, throwing popcorn my way. I ignored him and continued to read a book.

I felt more popcorn hit me and it slid across my book.

"What Luke?" I grumbled, turning over in my bunk to look at him. He had the bunk next to mine and I regret ever choosing this bunk.

Luke was like a raccoon. He's cute when you see him, but secretly he's evil and crazy. You never know when he's going to attack.

"Can you wrap my hands for me?" He asked sincerely, holding his hands up. Drummers.

I could be mean and ask why couldn't he get one of the guys to do it, but everyone else was sleeping and maybe just once we could put our differences behind us.

"Sure" I said, climbing out of my bunk and tripping over Telle's shoes that were left on the floor.

I sat on the ground for a minute and sighed.

The bus rocked back and forth for a minute and everything was spinning. Luke climbed down and was about to reach down to grab me, but I stood up and ran to the bathroom.

The small toilet was great fully enough to contain my barf, and Luke was nice enough to hold my hair out of my face.

"What the heck is going on?" Daniel asked, walking over to the bathroom... Naked.

I passed out.  

I felt someone stroking my hair back and my skin got all prickly. The hell?

"Luke?" I mumbled, opening my eyes.

My head was in Telle's lap and he was looking down at me. He was wearing his glasses and he looked like such a nerd.

I laughed lightly and held onto my head.

"Daniel are you still naked?" I mumbled.

"No" I heard Danny said.

I slowly sat up and Luke was sitting across from me, watching me. Ugh he was so hot.

"I'm sorry" I told all of them, when I saw that it was like 4 in the morning.

"It's okay. I blame Danny though. Danny don't walk around naked in front of Sel okay?" Telle laughed.

"Yeah dude, not cool" Zack said.

Danny nodded and Luke smirked.

"Thanks" I told Luke.

"Yeah, I have a weakness for ugly things. You should see my dog" he shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes. "Do you remember what I told you I would do to you today?" I asked.

He nodded slowly.

I stood up and he ran to the back of the bus, all friendliness forgotten.

Battle Royale {Luke Holland}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora