Chapter 11

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*A/N: WOO!!! Celebrating 11 chapters! And many more to come! I feel a little accomplished of myself. Well, not to bore you and shy you away from my story, but thanks to all of you who read. This chapter is dedicated to you. Ti Amo!*


I bent over to grab a box and felt a hand on my ass.

"Luke..." I warned.

It's been 3 months since we started dating. And it took me three months to pack all my shit because Jenny was letting me move in with her. ROOMIES4L. #swag.


His hand hadn't moved from there and I stood up. I turned around and he moved his hand to cross his arms over his chest.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't want you to leave" he pouted.

"You're not my mommy" I whined.

His eyebrow raised and a smirk

crossed his pretty little face. "I can be your daddy"

"And that's exactly why I'm moving. You're always on tour anyways. And it's not like you can't visit me" I mumbled.

He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "I'm going to miss you!"

"Luke it's not like you see me when you're home anyways. You love your drum kits more than me. Calm down little girl" I grumbled.

"Don't take this out on my kitty kats"

I rolled my eyes "Oh Lukey Pookie"

"Don't Lukey Pookie me at a time like this. I'm mad at you" he grumbled, walking away.

I ran after him and tugged on his tank top. "Why're you mad babe?" I asked.

He sat on the couch and ran a hand through his hair. His hair was always changing colors according to me myself and I.

Sometimes it looked light or dark or blonde. Ugh.

When I saw him staring up at me I turned my attention back to his face.

"I'm mad because you're taking it out on my drum kits" he pouted, "you know how much I love my drum kits"

I shrugged. "Good. We're too young to be in love with each other anyways"

"Stop being mean" He grumbled.

"I'm a woman. I could be as mean as I want as long as you get what you want in the bedroom"

His eyes widened and he sat forward. His nose started to turn pink while he tried to say something, but kept stuttering.

"Th-that's not true. I love you and... Um... Sel!" He growled.

I giggled and walked off, enjoying the fact that I made him this way.


"Disneyland. Why are we at Disneyland?! Are you serious you're taking me to Disneyland?!" I shrieked.

The cold January air made me shiver. It was nothing like Arizona here. Ugh.

I remember when we were in Paris in the summer and it was cold there too! I just want to crawl under a blanket.

"Because it's girls night" Pam shrugged.

"I'm not a girl!" Telle and Luke protested at the same time.

Jenny snorted and winked at me, smiling at me behind her pink lip gloss. I smiled back and flicked Luke in the ear.

"What was that for?" He whined, holding his ear.

"Nothing. I'm just excited"

"You don't have to be so violent" he grumbled. He sulked his way out of the car and pulled his wallet out of his pants, throwing something at me.

It hit me in the nose and I gasped slightly. "That was rude" I grumbled, picking it up off the floor.

I shrieked. "A Disney pass! Luke you got me a Disney pass. I could kiss you right now"

"I don't see why not Selene. We're dating..." He said in a 'duh' tone.

I let out a little 'oh' as I realized that. "Sorry. I was thinking about several months ago where I couldn't exactly do that. But I wanted to.... This is awkward"

He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I smiled like a little kid while he brought his lips to mine.

"Stop moving" he grumbled.

"I can't. I'm excited. And I have to pee. Can we go?!!!!" I yelled at Pam and Telle who were scrootling(it's okay if you don't get it. It's a word equivalent to everything) around in the car.

"Sorry" Telle laughed, climbing out of the car.

"Mhm" I grumbled, grabbing Jenny's hand and leaving Luke all alone. I was a great girlfriend.


"This..." Luke began.

"Is sempiternal?" I wondered.

"No shut up. This is the scariest ride ever. I don't think I'm going to go on" he said as we were being strapped onto Hollywoods tower of terror.

"Oh hush you little pussy" Pam said from next to me.

I giggled as the bellhop made lame jokes that Telle was laughing at.

We were all staring at him as he was red in the face and nearly crying at the jokes.

"Babe. Are you alright?" Pam asked.

He just laughed quietly and the ride began.

"Hold my hand" Luke said. Before he could grab it another hand grabbed mine and Jenny winked at me.

I laughed as Luke wrapped his skinny arms around me.

As soon as we dropped everyone was quiet except for the very loud "Holy Shit!" From Luke.

I snickered as he was hyperventilating on the ride. His little legs were shaking as we got off and I held his clammy hand in mine.

"Never again am I taking you to Disneyland. Or California adventure. That is off of the date list. Permanently"

"But... Disneyland"

He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to the nearest food stand. "I don't care. I jus want to sob into an ice cream cone"

"You sound like a hormonal woman Luke. Get over it" Telle said.

"No. Not even women sound like that. He's just being gay" Jenny added.

"I can totally agree" Pam said.

I just nodded.

My poor boyfriend.

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