Chapter 2 -Niall's Hurt

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Zayn's POV

Throughout the day, I was so distracted. During class, Niall had to throw stuff at me to attempt to keep me focused in class, but it didn't work. I kept my attention on that guy. It was too hard to watch that guy with that girl. Funny how I was supposedly in love with him when I didn't even know his name.

After I had Mr. Lawley for Math, Mrs. Matherson for Science, and Mr. Cooper for English, all of which that guy was in, so I was distracted, Niall and I had lunch.

"Zayn! You need to eat!" said Niall, trying to give me some of his food.

"Niall, I really can't take your food, and I'm not hungry." I said, refusing the food. "So what's his name?"

"Liam Payne, the straightest guy in school and half of the school's power couple!"

"Liam, so perfect," I mumbled to myself. I had a smile on my face that hadn't been on my face in years. It was the smile that made me look like an idiot, but I didn't care because I was so happy. "Okay, enough about my dumbness. So, Niall, will you please tell me what happened to your lip?"

"Why do you care so much about me?"

"Niall, I'm not too sure. After my dad left my mom and me, I isolated from everyone." I confessed. "I just get a weird feeling that I can trust you, that you won't judge me for anything."

Niall took a minute to answer because he had taken a huge bite out of his hamburger. "I'm not going to judge you, I promise you that. Actually, I'd like to be friends with you, if you want." Niall said, looking away and taking another huge chunk out of his hamburger.

I laughed. "Yes, I would love that, but friendship requires one key thing: trust. You have to trust me. Now, tell me what the hell happened to your lip." I cussed to get my point across and because we were the only ones at the table.

"My dad," Niall said, taking another chunk out of his hamburger.

"What?! Why in the hell would he do that?!" I didn't get an answer because two guys came to Niall and me.

The first one had sandy blond hair and swamp green eyes. He wore a blue and green varsity jacket with a D on it, blue skinny jeans, and blue sneakers.

The other one wore the same thing, but he had brown hair and ice blue eyes, and they were both really tan.

"So the new boy's friends with the fag?" the blond one said.

"No, I'm not friends with you." I said. "So does the D stand for the dick you are or the dick you desperately desire?" I asked.

"That's it. Mark, you get Horan. I got this asshole."

"Jeff, just back off," Niall said. Mark walked over to Niall and punched him in the face.

"Don't tell him what to do!" Mark said as he started kicking Niall.

"Let him go!" I screamed.

"If Niall's such a big boy, he should fight his own battles!" Jeff said as he threw he threw a punch at my face. I grabbed his fist and pushed him back. I looked over at Niall. He was passed out on the ground with Mark beating him.

"What's going on?" said a familiar voice. It was Principal Ronnie Radke!

"Zayn started a fight between me, him, Mark, and Niall!" Jeff blamed me for it, and Mr. Radke shot me a disappointed glare.

"Oh, come, on Jeff. That's bullshit, and you know it!" said a voice in the crowd. It sounded like... Liam! Liam walked forward. "Principal Radke, Zayn didn't start the fight, Jeff did! Jeff only blamed Zayn because Jeff's jealous that Zayn can kick his ass!"

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